Still waiting on that Biblical verse where a woman "preached" to men:__________________.
The text says, nor indicates no such thing about Deborah, or Huldah, of Mary M. by the way. Hmmm, so every woman who tells someone about the ressurrection of Christ is now a "preacher"????????? Have you ever heard of eisegesis? Or the logical fallacy of assumption?
Deborah & Huldah PROPHESIED about what God was going to do...not "preached sermons" to men! Pls. provide for me where they "taught/preached" to men from the Scriptural text [which was actually even brought to Huldah!]
Still waiting on you deal w/ I Tim. 2, & I Cor. 14, which you apparently cannot do. I Tim. was written, "so that you may know how you ought behave yourself IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, which IS THE CHURCH." How much plainer does it get???? Your simply ignorining these God-Breathed passages will not make them disappear. Jesus entered into the synangogue & "taught" the people. Was he preaching? Of course He was. This is the same word that Paul employs in I Tim. 2:12....which he forbids women to do??????????
Consantine was not Biblical Christianity, so any appeal to him supposedly "changing women preaching" needs to be validated in Acts [the true "early church"].
Have to go, away for a week or so............
Still having difficulty getting around the definition of 'succourer', aren't you?
But another thing...if a woman is in the park telling all who are within earshot about Jesus and Him crucified, is she preaching and therefore wrong?
And let me know how you will justify to God that women shouldn't obey Matt 28:19.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!