The jewelry was a sign of their haughtiness. How is that not clear as the day?
Of course the true sin was thier attitudes. I don't think RDP is disputing that. That doesn't mean God did not make note that the jewelry was the sign of the bad attitude.
Did God adorn the peopel with jewelry? Yes. When they were leaving Egypt I recall He told them to take all the gold and jewels they could. He had a reason too. When they built the Tabernacle Moses called upon the people to GIVE all those things fo rth ebuilding of the Tabernacle. So God told them to take them because down the road they would be reqired of them.
Obviously some kept their shiny stuff instea dof giving it. Others likely got caught up in their shiny toys and got a bad attitude about it. Isaiah addresses women who got haughty and vain....and the symbol was their jewelry.
Can a woman wear it and not have abad attitude? I would say yes. But I would also say why wear something God so clearly associated with vanity and haughtiness?
Marriage is never mentioned in I Cor., that "inference" is supplied via your theology...not the literal text!
I challenge you to start a poll on this forum about whether or not 1 Cor. 11 is referring to headship in marriage. If you find one person that agrees with you that it does NOT, well, I might eat my own liver.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My point was that NEVER do we see a woman expositing from the Scriptures in congregational settings.......yet we see men doing it all the time! Hmmmm. Still waiting on you to deal w/ I Tim. 2........which apparently you cannot.
You can keep throwing Deborah out of your Bible, but she's still in mine. Barak wasn't the only person she spoke to when speaking the Word of God.
And show me where Jonah had a congregation when preaching to Ninevah the first time....
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Which reputable translation [i.e., Formal Correspondence] adopts such a rendering:____________? Why not?
And did Deborah "preach" him a sermon....or did she spontaneously reveal God's plans:_______________? Need some help? The latter!
I already gave you the link. I'm not repeating it.
As for Deborah 'spontaneously revealing God's plans', isn't that what the other prophets did, yet they are mentioned as 'preaching'?? So, it's preaching when a man does it, regardless as to whether or not he has a 'congregational audience', but there's no way it can be the same when a woman does?
Well, that's your opinion. I'll stick to the Bible.
You have yet to show me that preaching can only be such when it's a prepared sermon of already written scripture spoken to a congregational audience, as you keep claiming. Got a source for that, or will you leave that _______ blank?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Which reputable translation [i.e., Formal Correspondence] adopts such a rendering:____________? Why not?
And did Deborah "preach" him a sermon....or did she spontaneously reveal God's plans:_______________? Need some help? The latter!
I already gave you the link. I'm not repeating it.
As for Deborah 'spontaneously revealing God's plans', isn't that what the other prophets did, yet they are mentioned as 'preaching'?? So, it's preaching when a man does it, regardless as to whether or not he has a 'congregational audience', but there's no way it can be the same when a woman does?
Well, that's your opinion. I'll stick to the Bible.
You have yet to show me that preaching can only be such when it's a prepared sermon of already written scripture spoken to a congregational audience, as you keep claiming. Got a source for that, or will you leave that _______ blank?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
The jewelry was a sign of their haughtiness. How is that not clear as the day?
Of course the true sin was thier attitudes. I don't think RDP is disputing that. That doesn't mean God did not make note that the jewelry was the sign of the bad attitude.
Did God adorn the peopel with jewelry? Yes. When they were leaving Egypt I recall He told them to take all the gold and jewels they could. He had a reason too. When they built the Tabernacle Moses called upon the people to GIVE all those things fo rth ebuilding of the Tabernacle. So God told them to take them because down the road they would be reqired of them.
Obviously some kept their shiny stuff instea dof giving it. Others likely got caught up in their shiny toys and got a bad attitude about it. Isaiah addresses women who got haughty and vain....and the symbol was their jewelry.
Can a woman wear it and not have abad attitude? I would say yes. But I would also say why wear something God so clearly associated with vanity and haughtiness?
.. maybe the answer IS within your question.
I can't even imagine wearing precious gems/stones and not expecting to get some notice, some remarks from others such as "Oh how beeaauuttiiffuull"..that word may sometimes be transferred from the 'rock' to include the person wearing it., and THIS is the hope of some.,
that such remarks may also infer that the person is beautiful because of having the means by which to purchase such SIGNs of wealth.
can lead to VANITY., which IS vexation of the soul.
SERIOUSLY looking at the reasons a person wears 'adornents' may give clues as to WHY even wear it.
__________________ You can tell more about people
by what they say about others...than by what others
say about them.