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Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.
If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option
when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not
want ;) converted to a smilie face!
Display |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:smack |
smack |
:foottap |
Foot Tapping |
:girlytantrum |
No! No! No! |
:blah |
blahblahblah |
:highfive |
High Five |
:bigbaby |
bigbaby |
:heeheehee |
Hee Hee Hee |
:icecream |
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! |
:happydance |
Happy Dance |
:laffatu |
Laughing at you |
:throwrock |
Throw Rock |
:spit |
Spit |
:thumbsup |
Thumbs Up |
Happy |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:nod |
Nodding |
:yourock |
you rock! |
:dogpat |
Good Doggy! |
:dogkiss |
Dog Kiss |
:kittyhug |
Kitty Hugs |
:hug3 |
Hug3 |
:hug4 |
hug4 |
:friend |
Friends |
:chat |
Chat |
:heart |
Heart |
:blush |
You made me blush! |
:bouquet |
These are for you |
:lovesmenot |
loves me, loves me not |
:bemine |
Be Mine? |
:wub |
I Love You! |
:cupid |
Cupid |
:cupidlove |
Cupid of Love |
:crazyluv |
Crazy in love |
:gaga |
Ga-Ga! |
:roseglasses |
rose-colored glasses |
:girlyluv |
Girly in Love |
:kiss |
The Kiss! |
:family |
Wedded Bliss |
:mama |
mama |
:largehalo |
See, I have a LARGE Halo! |
:winkgrin |
Wink and Grin |
:tease |
Tease |
:pirate |
Aarrr Matey! |
:lol |
Laughing Out Loud |
:slaphappy |
Slap Happy |
:toofunny |
Too Funny |
:killinme |
You are killing me! |
:ursofunny |
You are so funny! |
:hanky |
wave hanky |
:mal |
Crazy Mal |
:nutso |
Gone Nutty! |
:clap |
Clap |
:rooting |
Rah Rah Rah |
:yahoo |
Wahhhh Hooooo |
:cheer |
Cheerleader |
:bliss |
I have Happy Feet! |
:woohoo |
woohoo |
:woot |
Woot |
:dance |
Dance, Dance, Dance |
:party |
Let's Party! |
:dancing |
Dance |
:amen |
Can I hear an Amen? |
:shockamoo |
Shockamoo Time! |
:nahnah |
Nah nah nah nah |
Mad |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:ouch |
Ouch! |
:annoymusic |
annoying_music |
:beatdeadhorse |
beatdeadhorse |
:club |
just try me! |
:thwak |
Here, Hold THIS! |
:tricycle |
tricycle |
:pillowfight |
Pillow Fight! |
:winaa |
winaaa! |
:boxing |
boxing |
:drawguns |
drawguns |
:guns |
Stand & Deliver! |
:hunter |
hunter |
:nhl |
Lousy American Trade |
:Nhl_crash |
Crash Into Board |
:Nhl_check |
Checking |
:naughty |
naughty, naughty! |
:reaper |
Grim Reaper |
:shifty |
shifty |
:rant |
rant |
:snapout |
Snap Out of It! |
:nah |
nah |
:angry1 |
Me Very Angry! |
:irate |
irate |
:ranting |
ranting |
:pullhair |
Pull Hair |
:tantrum |
Tantrum |
:grumpy |
grumpy |
:nuke |
Nuke |
:banghead |
Banging Head |
:groan |
groan |
:muwahaha |
muwahaha |
:hurtyou |
hurtyou |
:rip |
rip |
:trashcan |
Pure Garbage! |
Upset |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:angelsad |
sad angel |
:thumbsdown |
thumbsdown |
:sad |
sad |
:haloplug |
Halo Plug |
:sos |
sos |
:surrender |
surrender |
:begging |
begging |
:sorry |
sorry |
:violin |
violin |
:poetic |
Poetic |
:tissue |
pass the tissue |
:whistle |
whistle |
:kickcan |
kick the can |
:depressed |
depressed |
:tinfoil |
Tinfoil Hat |
:missing |
Missing |
:nobodycares |
Nobody Cares |
:bored |
bored |
:ignore |
ignore |
:lalala |
Not Listening! |
:stop |
stop |
:oops |
oops |
:footinmouth |
Open Mouth, Insert Foot |
:stirpot |
Just stirring the pot! |
:digging |
diggin' |
:hook |
Hook, Line & Sinker |
:evilglee |
evilglee |
:neener |
Neener, Neener! |
:doh |
d'oh! |
:ohplease |
Oh, Please! |
:rolleyes2 |
oh, brother! |
:hmmm |
hmmm |
:shhh |
Sshhh! |
:thad |
Thad |
:sly |
On the sly |
:huh |
huh? |
:search |
searching |
:notme |
Not Me- Look Over There! |
:dunno |
dunno |
:crazy |
crazy |
:wacko |
wacko |
:crazywalls |
Driving me insane! |
:covereyes |
covereyes |
:blink |
blink |
:tattle |
tattle |
:razz |
razz |
:girlfriend |
oh, no you di'ent |
:uhoh |
UhOh! |
:shocked: |
Shocked |
:jaw |
jaw |
:bolt |
I'm Outta Here! |
:runhills |
Run for the Hills! |
:aaa |
Arrrggghhh! |
:reaction |
Major Overreaction! |
:drama |
Oh, the drama! |
:couch |
couch |
:theyareontome |
They Are On To Me |
:didimiss |
what did I miss? |
:irule |
I Rule! |
:whome |
who me? |
:paranoid |
Paranoid |
:wasntme |
Don't look at me! |
:anonymous |
anonymous |
:swoon |
swoon |
:faint |
faint |
:spirit |
Spirit |
:eeeew |
eeewww! |
:vomit |
vomit |
Other |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:texasgranny |
Texas Granny |
:like |
:goodgrief |
Good Grief! |
:iwojima |
IwoJima |
:usa |
:canada |
Canada |
:clock |
Cuckoo Clock |
:donuts |
Coffee and Donuts |
:gardener |
gardener |
:coffee2 |
coffee2 |
:hypercoffee |
Too Much Coffee |
:koolaid |
kool aid |
:banjo |
banjo |
:girlnails |
Hang on, my nails are not dry yet |
:girlpopcorn |
Enjoying the show! |
:popcorn2 |
popcorn2 |
:thebunny |
thebunny |
:bbq |
Bar-b-que |
:bacon |
Bacon Love |
:bacondream |
Bacon Dream |
:secretservice |
Black Helicopters |
:bubble |
blow bubble |
:2cents |
2cents |
:tumbleweed |
tumbleweed |
:campfire |
Campfire |
:overhead |
Over Your Head |
:igotit |
Ohhh I got it! |
:noidea |
no idea |
:gotmail |
You've Got Mail! |
:announce |
Announce |
:att |
attention |
:yo |
Yo! Wutup? |
:telephone |
telephone |
:saycheese |
Photo Perfect! |
:tvhappy |
TV Happy |
:boomm |
:rockband |
rockband |
:choir |
choir |
:offkey |
Off Key |
:sing |
singing |
:gmarocks |
Gma Rocks |
:IAM |
Gpa's Cane |
:grampa |
grampa |
:preach |
preach |
:gparocks |
Gpa Rocks |
:scripture |
Scripture |
:gpagripes |
Gpa Gripes |
:praying |
praying |
:bow |
bow |
:bowdown |
Bow Down |
:king |
I'm the King! |
:queen |
queeny |
:redheels |
Red High Heels |
:drseuss |
DrSeuss |
:pirates |
Pirates |
:13loads |
13 Loads |
:ernie |
Rubber Duckie- You're The One! |
:bath |
bath |
:bedtime |
bedtime |
:macho |
macho |
:feral |
feral |
:doggyrun |
doggyrun |
:bump |
bump |
:bumpsign |
bumpsign |
:feedback |
Feedback Please |
:scoregood |
Good Score |
:scorebad |
Bad Score |
:cowbell |
Need More Cowbell! |
:tic |
Tongue In Cheek! |
:iagree |
iagree |
:hijacked |
hijacked |
:nothingtoadd |
nothingtoadd |
:smilie_spam |
Smilie Spam |
:TulsaTime: |
TulsaTime |
:TulsaROCKS: |
TulsaROCKS |
:TulsaNO: |
TulsaNO |
:wheelchair |
wheelchair |
:boat |
boat |
:airplane |
airplane |
:helicopter |
black helicopter |
:driving |
driving |
:coolcar |
Renda's Car |
:cc1 |
Loud Pipes Save Lives! |
:itsover |
it's over |
:chirp |
too quiet here! |
Greetings |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:ty |
TY |
:ty2 |
TY2 |
:tiphat |
Tip Hat |
:curtsey |
curtsey |
:encore |
Encore! Encore! |
:birthday |
birthday |
:bday2u |
Happy Birthday to you! |
:bdaysing |
bdaysing |
:musicnotes |
musicnotes |
:bdaycake |
bdaycake |
:bdayparty |
bdayparty |
:balloonwave |
balloon wave |
:stars |
stars |
:congrats |
congrats |
:hello |
hello |
:meetya |
MeetYa |
:waving |
Waving |
:wave |
Wave |
:welcome |
welcome |
:welcome2 |
welcome2 |
:cubs |
A Cubbie Fan! |
:canadaday |
Canada Day |
:fireworks |
fireworks |
:happy4th |
Happy 4th |
New Year's Resolution |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:stretch: |
Stretch |
:statbike: |
Statbike |
:jogging: |
Jogging |
:situps: |
Situps |
:treadmill: |
Treadmill |
:running: |
Running |
:exercise: |
Exercise |
:carrot: |
Carrot |
:bigweightlift: |
Bigweightlift |
:weightlifter: |
Weightlifter |
:barbell: |
Barbell |
:walking: |
Walking |
:water: |
Water |
:karate: |
Karate |
Christmas |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:star |
Christmas Star |
:gift |
Christmas Surprise! |
:christmasfire |
Christmas Fire |
:christmaskiss |
Christmas Kiss |
:christmasjig |
Christmas Jig |
:bargain |
Shop Until You Drop! |
:penguin |
penguin |
:santaclaus |
Santa Claus |
:jolly |
Jolly |
:christmoose |
Merry Christmoose! |
:gotcha |
Gotcha! |
:santathumb |
Santa Thumbs Up |
:horn |
French Horn |
:bells |
Christmas Bells |
:christmascaroling |
We Wish You a Merry Christmas! |
:caroling |
Christmas Caroling |
:cane |
Candy Cane |
:santaelf |
Santa & Elf |
:rudolph |
Rudolph |
:gman |
Gingerbread Man |
:frosty |
Frosty |
:snowwoman |
Snow Woman |
:snowman |
Snowman |
:snowing |
It's Snowing! |
:stocking |
Stocking |
:fireplace |
Stockings hung by chimney with care |
:ucuttree |
U-Cut Tree |
:treelights |
Christmas Tree |
:wreath |
Holiday Wreath |
:holly |
Holly |
:treegifts |
All ready for Christmas |
:cold |
Brrrr! |
:grinch |
Grinch stole Christmas |
:wisemen |
Wise Men Seek Him |
:newyear |
Happy New Year! |
:smileysleigh |
Smiley Sleigh |
:santasleigh |
Santa's Sleigh |
:merrychristmas2 |
Merry Christmas |
:merrychristmas |
Happy Christmas |
:happyholidays |
Happy Holidays |
Generic Smilies |
What to Type |
Resulting Graphic |
Meaning |
:rolleyes: |
Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) |
:cool: |
Cool |
:p |
Stick Out Tongue |
;) |
Wink |
:D |
Big Grin |
:o |
Embarrassment |
:) |
Smile |
:( |
Frown |
:confused: |
Confused |
:eek: |
EEK! |
:mad: |
Mad |
| |
All times are GMT -6. The time now is 08:45 AM.