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Old 10-12-2009, 02:43 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Appreciate your kindness Nitehawk...........

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Woman is the "glory of man" & there's noooooo way on earth that I can see God ordaining the "glory of man" to bring forth His Word.
1. I hope you don't believe that every woman is a glory to you. That would go completely against scripture.

2. To state that God doesn't bring forth His Word through women is error according to the scriptures. What Deborah said to the men, whether prophesy or preaching or whatever, was the very Word of God! Why else did she say, "Thus saith the LORD"?? If she wasn't speaking the Word of God, who's words was she speaking?
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:46 PM
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Speaking of a "closed Mind"..............

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Nitehawk, he didn't tear me apart at all, he tore scripture apart. I refuse to do that with someone who wants to prove that scripture contradicts itself. I don't believe that, so he throws away the scriptural proof I provided to 'prove' his point, then wants to resort to other scriptures I have no interest in discussing since his point makes other scripture contradict what his point is!

And it wasn't my pseudo definition, but that provided by the scholars of the website I posted the info from. I don't think even he possesses the credentials necessary to refute their definitions.

But regardless, if you get so irritated with someone while having an online conversation or discussion with them that you resort to name calling or condescension, perhaps it's time to take a break and find a prayer closet somewhere. There is NO excuse for that kind of behavior.

And I'm never in a debate or discussion to win or lose. I'm in it to learn something because I realize that I haven't yet arrived...something others on this forum need to realize for themselves.

If you go back through this discussion, his statements imply (either directly or indirectly) that women in the Bible who were prophesying weren't preaching. When I show proof that prophesying isn't preaching and provide three prophets were scripture states they were preaching their prophecies, he then says it's correct because they were men.

Well, Deborah also 'preached' to Barak, although the scripture in English uses a different word, but according to the Hebrew lexicon I used online, the same Hebrew word is used for what she did as well as what Jeremiah, Jonah, and the other example (can't remember) did in speaking to others.

Wanna throw that out and direct me to other scripture that indicates a contradiction in regard to what the poster's interpretation is? Sorry. I'm not going there with scripture. Scripture doesn't contradict itself, so if I think there's a verse that says something but find evidence to the contrary, then I need to find out what scripture is really saying and quit putting my own interpretations into it.

That's what discussion is good for. Once I start being condescending or demeaning to the person I'm having a discussion with, my mind is closed and I'm a person who is right in my own eyes...and we know what the Bible says about those people, right?
I have dealt w/ every single one of your supposed "proof" texts [which do not "prove" a single thing]....& you have dealt w/ how many Scriptures that I've reffered to___________? And I'm the one w/ the "closed mind"????????????

Jesus, Paul, Ptr., etc. all demonstrated aggravation at those who simply prefer their own traditions over the Word of God. Are we to suppose then that they were "demeaning" to those whom they spoke w/??? Not hardly, try again. But, I will apologize for coming across a bit abrasive at times, & I ask your forgiveness.

I have provided the literal definitions of the terms that you've referred to [& there's sooooooo much that I'm leaving out for the sake of time] & dealt w/ your supposed "proofs" of prophesying being preaching.

Yes, but what form of preaching? Well, never-mind, already been there & done that...................
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:51 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Happy to oblige................

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
I'm amazed that you cannot see that I must be right. It is plain and simple. But, I will give you an easy way to show me I am wrong. Give me one example of therefore ever being used as you are saying it can and you will have shown your position possible. It's not hard, we don't even need to argue about whose interpretation of that verse is right or wrong. Just an example is all I need to see.
Mt. 28:18-19, Jesus comes to His disciples declaring that He has all power in heaven & on the earth [other 2 "persons" in the "trinity" must not have too much!!]. He then declares, "Go ye THEREFORE [i.e., "for this reason"] and teach all nations.........."

Soooooooo many more, but this should suffice! Blessings.........
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:54 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Precisely the point!

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
Isaiah 3:16 "Moreover, the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:"
Isaiah 3:17 "Therefore, the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts."

The because is with those things listed in verse 16 only. So, because of those things in verse 16, God was punishing them by taking away their shiny toys and leaving them with a stink. What I'm saying is that there is no example of what follows the word "therefore" to mean that it was a cause of what is happening.

In your example: "Because my step son refused to eat his dinner and was giving me attitude therefore he will be going to bed early which he hates more than just about anything." Your son is being punished only for the reason that you mentioned before the "therefore". An example of what rdp is claiming would have to show the reason following the "therefore" after some of the judgments had already been mentioned. (Like they were in verse 17)
And the jewelry is also mentioned BEFORE [& in between the "because" & "therefore"] the wearing of ornamentation. Do you deny this from the actual text?
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:00 PM
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Because she was prophesying of God's future plans.

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
1. I hope you don't believe that every woman is a glory to you. That would go completely against scripture.

2. To state that God doesn't bring forth His Word through women is error according to the scriptures. What Deborah said to the men, whether prophesy or preaching or whatever, was the very Word of God! Why else did she say, "Thus saith the LORD"?? If she wasn't speaking the Word of God, who's words was she speaking?
.....just as the literal text says!?!?

I quote you a God-Breathed Scripture & you say, "That would go completely against Scripture"??????????? Good-googlie-goooooooooooooooooo!

Do you deny that woman is the glory of man? I hope you go where I suspect you will w/ this!

Where did Deborah [or any other woman] take a text & "preach" from the Scriptures to a gender mixed congregation:_______________? Ho-Hum, those unfillable blanks again.................
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:13 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Because she was prophesying of God's future pl

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
.....just as the literal text says!?!?

I quote you a God-Breathed Scripture & you say, "That would go completely against Scripture"??????????? Good-googlie-goooooooooooooooooo!

Do you deny that woman is the glory of man? I hope you go where I suspect you will w/ this!

Where did Deborah [or any other woman] take a text & "preach" from the Scriptures to a gender mixed congregation:_______________? Ho-Hum, those unfillable blanks again.................
Sorry, but I'm not any glory to you because I'm a woman and you are a man. Is your wife the glory of every man you know? Is that Biblical? If that's what you believe, you got a lot more of the Bible to read in reference to husbands and wives.

And you have yet to show me where 'preaching' is considered such only when done in a gender mixed congregation. I've been waiting for a couple months now. Show me any definition that states 'to a gender mixed congregation' somewhere in it. I'd rather have scripture, but I'll be waiting even longer for that.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:14 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

In addition, show me where any of the 12 disciples took text and preached from it every time they are mentioned as 'preaching'.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:16 PM
HeavenlyOne HeavenlyOne is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Show me where Moses 'took text and preached from it' every time he preached to the people.

Show me where Noah 'took text and preached from it' when he was preaching to the people about the coming flood.

Show me any lexicon or definition that has somewhere in it that preaching is 'taking text and preaching from it'.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:30 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
Umm...why are the women being punished then in your opinion? And why did God smite them with a scab?

Unless the reason was their haughtiness and jewelry God was just smiting them with scabs for the fun of it maybe?
They were being punished for their haughtiness, not because they wore jewelry. The Bible is full of people who wore jewelry.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:37 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Below is a list of everything God took away from them. It includes mirrors, scarves, perfume, linen garments, cloaks, veils and handbags. God was taking away the good things of life and replacing it with sadness, mourning, and some very bad times. Because they were haughty and had turned away from God.

16The LORD said Because the daughters of Zion are haughty
and walk with outstretched necks,
glancing wantonly with their eyes,
mincing along as they go,
tinkling with their feet,
17therefore the Lord will strike with a scab
the heads of(Z) the daughters of Zion,
and the LORD will lay bare their secret parts.

18In that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, the headbands, and the crescents; 19the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarves; 20the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes, and the amulets; 21the signet rings and nose rings; 22the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags; 23the mirrors, the linen garments, the turbans, and the veils.
24Instead of perfume there will be rottenness;
and instead of a belt, a rope;
and instead of well-set hair, baldness;
and instead of a rich robe, a skirt of sackcloth;
and branding instead of beauty.
25Your men shall fall by the sword
and your mighty men in battle.
26And her gates shall lament and mourn;
empty, she shall sit on the ground.
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