Dramatic? You're the one that said it was run by women! Sounds like a Jezzie church to me!!
The best thing that could happen there would be for a MAN to walk in there and preach deliverance from the Jezebel spirit, cast the devils out of those women, them get the Holy Ghost and submit to their husbands!
The you would have a Scriptural church where men are in charge, not women!
Let me guess your the( Man)
__________________ John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever 17 The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
Personally, I think the real question that should be asked here is, "Would YOU attend a church that had a woman for a pastor?"
There is no proof in the New Testament of a woman being a pastor, but absence of proof is not proof of absence.
Has anyone read the book, Why Men Hate Going to Church, by David Murrow (2004)? In his book, he states that churches already have a majority of women in them (roughly 55%, I think), but churches with women pastors have a huge majority of women -- usually 80%. Whether we choose to admit it or not, men don't typically like to be led by women.
Having said all this, I would say that I probably would attend a church led by a woman pastor -- depending on the woman, and whether or not I really believed she was called by God. After all, if we truly believe that God "calls" pastors to lead a church, and that it's not just an occupational choice, then who am I to say that God is wrong?
Sorry friend, the early church derived their epistemological make-up from the OT Scriptures....which N-E-V-E-R shows a woman expounding from the Scriptures to a congregation. But you have the floor, pls. provide me just one, single passage in the Bible where a woman taught/preached from the Scriptures. Just ONE!
Spare me the Deborah issue pls., since she was not an expositor from the Scriptures!! And, you're very mistaken, the early church DID address the issue of women preachers...when Paul strictly forbid the practice [I Tim. 2:11-14, I Cor. 14:34]. Apparently you deny the literal text.
May take me a few days to respond, very busy, but have heard all of these arguments for years now.
Maybe you could provide a passage where a women is forbiden to expound scripture in OT. Your thoughts are based on traditions made up my OT men not scripture.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
You may think that Paul was prejudiced against women but He was the Apostle, not you. Not to offend but your opinion or my opinion does not matter against the Word. I am not an apostle, nor are you, but Paul was and we are formed upon the words of the APOSTLES and PROPHETS, not the opinions of any others!
Personaly I think you need to go back and study the whole context of the book of Corinthians and Timothy and stop preaching the traditions of men. As Jesus told the religious leaders of his day they obeyed the letter of the law and left the spirit of the law. Instead of quoting scripture out of context without any thought for the customs of that day go back and try to find why God gave certain comandments. I have found too many doctrines of man based on as flimsy foundation as what is being used here to preach a mans feelings on a subject and not what God truely ment.
And if anything Paul was not prejudiced against women but t me it sound like you are. Yes Paul was placing a simple order for the church to keep things in order. But this by no means ment that a women could not hold office in the church.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail
Last edited by Godsdrummer; 07-14-2009 at 08:25 AM.
First off, the literal text does not say that Anna or Priscilla [I knew this was coming] preached a sermon to a church congregation, or preached at all for that matter. Thus, as is A-L-W-A-Y-S the case w/ advocates of women preachers, you import your theology into the text, instead of allowing the literal text to define your theology. Aquilla/Priscilla simply gave a home study to Appolos. Does this mean that everytime Me & my wife go give a home Bible study, she's automatically to classified in the set-in office of a 'minister,' in the sense of the 5-fold ministry?? Not hardly.
God's drummer: Adam was 1st formed, THEN Eve! And Eve did not instruct Adam [and when she did sin entered, hmmmm?], but Adam was the instructor. This is a principle from the very beginning, as Paul clearly states in I Tim. 2. So, no man is not the one who taught this....God is the One who instituted this principle. And any woman who preaches/teaches is operating outside of her God given place, no matter what unbiblical excuses they belt out. Perhaps I could somehow get you a copy of my book entitled, "What about Women Preachers?" I go from Genesis to Rev. in dealing w/ this issue & dive deeply into the Greek syntax of the NT. Blessings...RDP.
RDP I love to read,how much would a copy of your book cost ?
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.