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01-05-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
and who do women foretell to?
Whomever the occassion grants...if it's TRULY God.
Since I know where you're going w/ this, let me address it. Prophesying is not expositing/teaching from the Scriptures, nor taking authority over a man in violation of the headship instituted at Eden. It's "to foretell" or the supernatural revealing of the hidden. "He reveals His secrets to the PROPHETS."
When they said to Christ, "PROPHESY, who smote thee." Did they expect Him to preach a Scriptural exposition to them? Of course not. This is the identical word as employed in I Cor. 11 for women to prophesy. It is NOT a sermon from the Scriptures to a church of believers.

01-05-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Paul said he testified the gospel...maybe I could testify the gospel and be saved according to you...
I've NEVER said that you would be lost. I'm simply pointing out that women preachers in the NT Church are diametrically opposed to what the Bible explicitly states on the matter. God will handle the eternal judgements. And I certainly need all the mercy that I can find!

01-05-2010, 06:38 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by LadyRev
Actually, I'd hate to see what will be staring you in the face when you are "finished".
Last time I checked, God was still on the throne, not man.
And the last time I checked He still inspired I Tim. 2:11-15 & I Cor. 14:34. Put your eraser down, it'll still be there when you're finished "preaching".

01-05-2010, 07:12 PM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I have asked Brother Scheel to join AFF and come defend his book...I have no idea where in the world he may be since he constantly travels. I know he got the message he e mailed me..
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01-05-2010, 07:31 PM
Apostolic, period
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Just started reading this thread, and have my own toughts. I come from a group, the Southern Baptist Convention, that for many years, (I've been out for about 12 years) would not allow a women pastor, preacher, or anything in ministry, perhaps only as a missionary. Which is why I disagree with the interpreation that women may not preach. But they point out the obvious scriptures, and not willing to rehash whats probably already been quoted, why do they, and others who do not allow for preaching women, allow for them to be missionaries? Is it because they "preach" to the unsaved? I have yet to find a scripture which distinguishes between unsaved preaching is o.k for women, but not saved preaching.
Blessings, charlie.
I am an Apostolic Pentecostal, if you want to know what I believe, read Deut. 6:4 and Acts 2:38.

01-05-2010, 07:42 PM
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Posts: 5,178
Re: Speaking of "Ignorant"........................
Originally Posted by rdp
Ughhh, the translators used the existing Greek manuscripts. From there, they employed Greek grammatical rules, context, etc. Where did I ever say that context is irrelevant? Indeed, I appeal to Scriptural context repeatedly since word definitions & syntax mean what they do accordingly. But, context is doctrinal [particulary the passages at hand]....and not ALWAYS culturally relevant, though culture can certainly flow into it, yet I would stop short of saying that culture has the ability to render a doctrinal passage inapplicable.
This is about the 5th time that I've explained this to you & yet you just kep hurling out insults...which reveals your "Christian" spirit????? I've repeatedly told you that I care less about your ad hominem [do I need to explain this one to you also?] attacks, but rather just the text.
So, my dear Watson, back to the texts of I Tim. 2. I'm willing to listen if you have something textually relevant to say. Otherwise, if you just keep up w/ your usual pomp, I'll simply start ignoring you.
I give. You won't be honest enough to say you are flying by the seat of your pants on your limited knowledge of hermeneutics and the more you respond the more ignorant you sound.
Context is doctrinal? I about spit my water out of my nose. Context is neutral, it is the framework behind the so-called "literal text" and it gives the text meaning. A word changes according to its context. It also helps us understand authorial intent. You are awkwardly pitting exegetical context against literary, syntactical context. I have no idea why.
Trinitarian? Calvnist? Non-Christian Spirit? (Have you read a thing you've said to others on here. Not exactly God come in humble flesh material).
I think I've engaged you more than most on here. We took a tangent because when cocky people start spouting out things (especially posers), it's cynically fun to exploit that. You, my dear "Watson," have been exploited
To the subject at hand - the question is to wonder if Paul was reinforcing an already-existent universal prohibition against women teachers, creating a new one, or determine what situation he was responding to (the complex nature of epistles).

01-05-2010, 07:43 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Originally Posted by rdp
I see your reading Scheel again. Let me explain. Webster is a westernized dictionary, not a part of the original languages, nor translation process. And Scheels here ignores Strong's/Vine's etc. definitions of "Prophetess" [which is entirely missing in the NT, save Jezebel in Rev., hmmmm??] & simply finds a concordance rarely used anymore by scholars to butress his position. Besides, quote the rest of Young's Concordance regarding this term.
4th time, 20th time... Good grief
You are an impatient little man, aren't you
Last edited by Jeffrey; 01-05-2010 at 07:47 PM.

01-05-2010, 07:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
Charlie, good question. Fairness to rdp he doesn't believe in any of that either. He's pretty consistent. No women teaching men - period.
I understand why he has that position. I think the subject deserves a closer look.
I will say, though, at least in America, men typically don't flock to women pastors. In fact, 80% of congregants in women pastored churches are... women! But I see women in ministry, within the scope of leadership of a congregation (as part of a team, under the authority of husbands, etc) much more effective.
Reach the world. Minister effectively. And be conscious of cultural differences and customs, staying within the social scope of woman and man.

01-05-2010, 07:58 PM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I am not a pastor and would never want to be one...that is not my calling however I think we all should remember America is only part of the world...millions of people would welcome any voice....
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01-05-2010, 07:59 PM
Sister Alvear
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?
I really don't think to many have an idea what it is to live among pagan people to start with...
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