....private mssg., tks. so very much, I tried to reply, but it said that we had to many words. Not sure how to circumvent that, but plan to print out the quotation from Finney that you sent me.
I see, allowing the literal text to speak for itself is now relegated to "flushing them down the toilet"????????? Still waiting on your Biblical example of a woman "preaching" from the Scriprures to men [as modern women "preachers" do]:________________? Those pesky blanks!
I agree, "Scripture does not contradict Scripture," thus, I Tim. 2, I Cor. 14 ,etc. stand alone! Wish I had the time to explain Biblical hermeneutics a bit, but do not.
I've repeatedly told you that Biblical prophecy is a spontaneous utterance of God [much like interpretation of tongues w/out the tongue]....not a "sermon from the Scriptures".
Sheesh, are slow of understanding?????????
Sorry, but the Bible called it 'preaching', and I showed at least three examples of such. Don't flush those down the toilet too.
And there is no verse that has the words 'sermon from the scriptures' even in it, so again, you are just posting your own ideas as to what scripture even means. That's not even indicated in any scripture.
As for the last statement, if you can cease from using personal insults, don't bother responding to me. It doesn't make your position look better when you imply that I'm somehow a lower life form than you.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Well he has spent 40+ pages tearing your position apart while you have ignored his scriptures everytime. At some point even the most cordial will get irritated when the person they are debating with will not respond honestly.
He really did thrash your pseudo-definition of preaching versus prophesy.
I don't even agree with his position that women can't preach. I'm fine with women preaching as long as they aren't Pastors. But if I was scoring a debate....you'd be losing by a pretty huge margin. He knows his material and angle far better.
Sorry, but the Bible called it 'preaching', and I showed at least three examples of such. Don't flush those down the toilet too.
And there is no verse that has the words 'sermon from the scriptures' even in it, so again, you are just posting your own ideas as to what scripture even means. That's not even indicated in any scripture.
As for the last statement, if you can cease from using personal insults, don't bother responding to me. It doesn't make your position look better when you imply that I'm somehow a lower life form than you.
You really need to invest some time in Biblical hermeneutics. Just because the phrase "sermon from the Scriptures" isn't in the Bible [funny you can appeal to what's "not in the Bible", then believe in women "preachers", hmmm] doen't mean that we don't see this happening, as w/ Peter on Pentecost, Phillip to the eunuch, etc., etc., etc.
Again, you have revealed your Biblical ignorance. There's more M-E-N expositing from the Scriptures to a congregation than I could probably enumerate on here....which YOU say is "not even indicated in any Scripture"??????????????
Well he has spent 40+ pages tearing your position apart while you have ignored his scriptures everytime. At some point even the most cordial will get irritated when the person they are debating with will not respond honestly.
He really did thrash your pseudo-definition of preaching versus prophesy.
I don't even agree with his position that women can't preach. I'm fine with women preaching as long as they aren't Pastors. But if I was scoring a debate....you'd be losing by a pretty huge margin. He knows his material and angle far better.
Would be interested in why you disagree w/ me on a Biblical basis regarding women who preach. Pls. understand that I'm not looking for a debate w/ you [I really like your spirit], but just wondering if perhaps you're aware of something that I'm not....seriously.
Would be interested in why you disagree w/ me on a Biblical basis regarding women who preach. Pls. understand that I'm not looking for a debate w/ you [I really like your spirit], but just wondering if perhaps you're aware of something that I'm not....seriously.
Blessings, RDP.
Personally, I think the issue is tied VERY strongly to the issue of authority and headship. I do not believe it is proper for a woman to exercise the authority of office over men. Therefore I cannot accept the idea of a woman Pastor/Apostle. However, a preacher is not necessarily in authority. Most often, they are simply delivering an expository or allegorical message from the word. I preach very often, but I understand that under current church hierarchy...I have no authority. The peopel are not bound to obey anyone but the Pastor (no...I do not agree with this foolish idea, but thats the church world we live in).
In the end, I may be wrong and women preaching may be equally incorrect as Pastoring. However, I have not ever felt anything check my spirit on my opinion of them preaching. Thats not to say I go out of my way to listen to them. Personally, I've never heard a great one. I've heard some emotional ones. I've heard some that can appeal more effectively to the women in a church, but I have yet to hear any that I am "blown away" by so I don't pay much mind to them.
Well he has spent 40+ pages tearing your position apart while you have ignored his scriptures everytime. At some point even the most cordial will get irritated when the person they are debating with will not respond honestly.
He really did thrash your pseudo-definition of preaching versus prophesy.
I don't even agree with his position that women can't preach. I'm fine with women preaching as long as they aren't Pastors. But if I was scoring a debate....you'd be losing by a pretty huge margin. He knows his material and angle far better.
Nitehawk, he didn't tear me apart at all, he tore scripture apart. I refuse to do that with someone who wants to prove that scripture contradicts itself. I don't believe that, so he throws away the scriptural proof I provided to 'prove' his point, then wants to resort to other scriptures I have no interest in discussing since his point makes other scripture contradict what his point is!
And it wasn't my pseudo definition, but that provided by the scholars of the website I posted the info from. I don't think even he possesses the credentials necessary to refute their definitions.
But regardless, if you get so irritated with someone while having an online conversation or discussion with them that you resort to name calling or condescension, perhaps it's time to take a break and find a prayer closet somewhere. There is NO excuse for that kind of behavior.
And I'm never in a debate or discussion to win or lose. I'm in it to learn something because I realize that I haven't yet arrived...something others on this forum need to realize for themselves.
If you go back through this discussion, his statements imply (either directly or indirectly) that women in the Bible who were prophesying weren't preaching. When I show proof that prophesying isn't preaching and provide three prophets were scripture states they were preaching their prophecies, he then says it's correct because they were men.
Well, Deborah also 'preached' to Barak, although the scripture in English uses a different word, but according to the Hebrew lexicon I used online, the same Hebrew word is used for what she did as well as what Jeremiah, Jonah, and the other example (can't remember) did in speaking to others.
Wanna throw that out and direct me to other scripture that indicates a contradiction in regard to what the poster's interpretation is? Sorry. I'm not going there with scripture. Scripture doesn't contradict itself, so if I think there's a verse that says something but find evidence to the contrary, then I need to find out what scripture is really saying and quit putting my own interpretations into it.
That's what discussion is good for. Once I start being condescending or demeaning to the person I'm having a discussion with, my mind is closed and I'm a person who is right in my own eyes...and we know what the Bible says about those people, right?
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!