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Old 01-12-2010, 12:14 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Phoebe is believed to have delivered the book of Romans after traveling some 800 miles
from Cenchrea near Corinth to Rome. Paul writes “I commend10 (or introduce) to you,
our sister Phoebe,” Then he introduces her as a minister11 of the church in Cenchrea and
urges the church at Rome to help her with the matter that brings her to Rome, for “she
has been a great help to many people, including me.” The word translated merely “great
help” or “helper” is a word meaning “a woman set over others, a patroness,”!12 She was
not a servant in the way we think of a servant, but a wealthy woman with money to use to
travel and to protect and help others. She served as a minister.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:42 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by LadyRev View Post
I could provide you gentlemen with a name and contact info for a MALE pastor that would blow your personal interpretations of scripture

"I do not allow a woman to teach, or to excercise authority over a man................These things I write to you so that you may know how to behave yourself in the household of God, which is the church...." Sorry, your male pastor is wrong....according to the Bible! Funny how this very plain Scripture is suddenly relegated to "personal opinion," when it couldn't be any plainer. Sad, very sad.

regarding women preachers/pastors away completely. But I'd be wasting my time. Because you don't want to hear, much less know and accept, the truth.

Speaking of "truth": "Thy W-O-R-D is truth." The Word expressly forbids women in the 5-fold NT ministry. What 'truth' are YOU speaking of?

God bless all the men that have supported and continue to support women preachers and pastors. We certainly need the support just as male preachers need the support of their brethren.
And may God lead them to repentance for flagrantly violating His clear Word.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:45 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
With all due respect for Sister Alvear and others, I mean nothing harmful, insulting or hurting. If a woman is preaching or teaching over men, she has assumed a position of authority over "the man" any man is "the man". No man has the authority to give to the woman the position over the man, any man. It is good to obey one's husband, but the order of the church is clearly laid out in the Bible. Everyone has their equally, but different roles as ordainded by God and also compliments the order He created in the different roles of "the man" and "the woman".
Nothing personal towards any woman, but it is apparently Gods plan as per the Epistles.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:49 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

We can go back an forth however HIS word teaches that men and women preached everywhere...His word does not forbid women to carry the gospel...the Talmud may but not the Bible.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:52 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I translated this from a booket wrote many years ago in Portuguese..I still feel the same...

I am sincere in expressing what I have written and quoted here. I know that there are many diverse opinions about the woman’s place in the kingdom of God. Do not feel if you differ with me that I count you an enemy for all our human opinions no matter how much we think the Bible backs them we could be wrong. We are all fallable. Just as strong as I feel the things I have expressed on these few sheets of paper I am sure there are those that feel opposite opinions with equal fervor. We are often reminded that we see through a glass darkly and only as light shines upon our path can we see the more perfect day.
I am a background person. I neither desire or like the floodlights. It has been my joy to bring to birth many works in Brazil and slip into the pews among the people. I do not like platforms or pulpits.
Many years ago I heard a message entitled, “The bride in combat boots”. I have never forgot that we are in a constant battle for souls. We have one common enemy:the devil. From his dark kingdom come millions of spirits that we fight against.
It is important that every godly woman understand that we are not trying to outdo men in their persuit of the kingdom, neither are we trying to take their place (at least this author is not) for as the church goes on to perfection I personally believe that God will raise up many godly men that will be real leaders for us sisters to follow. I sure don’t mind someone going ahead helping make my way easier. But at the same time I believe a God fearing man would take note of a sister that would feel a message, a job, or a calling from the Lord.

But the fruit of the Spirit that which the Holy Spirit produces it is not without design so please do not think that I am promoting contents without form, design without a blueprint. As we study the lives of both Old and New Testament characters we will get a glimpse into the hearts of those whose call within them burned as a flame and their imprints on life forever changed the course of history.

Pride is a terrible sin. It is self-exaltation; it’s presumption; it’s an uplifting of self; it’s a pompous, arrogant swelling of self-worth and that is what usually hinders all of us in seeing the gifts God has bestowed on others. Instead of realizing we need one another the devil would like to have us pulling against one another and thus the coming kingdom is delayed.

May God melt our hearts together and the things we do not quite understand may we treat them as something that God has yet to reveal to all of us. May we tread softly on ground that angels reverence and may the indwelt presence of the Lord guide us on until we reach perfection.

May His will be done upon the earth; that His laws might become our laws, His ways our ways, His love our love, and His peace our peace.

I hope something that I can say will bring healing to wounded sisters and understanding to brothers to see most of us handmaidens as yes, a weaker vessel, that are only trying to help lift a very heavy load.
Sis Alvear, how does all of that theology in those posts above negate the very clear language of I Tim. 2:11-15, or I Cor. 14:34? I could certainly take the time to handle each assertion above, but as an elder told me the other day on the phone [who is exceedingly well known in Pentecost & dead against women preachers], it would be a waste of my time.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Many people have assumed that women were not given these more public
gifts—and silence was the law of the day....will you tell me how any woman can be silent and speak in tongues...sing, testify, prophecy and use many of the gifts of the spirit...how can she teach a song? teach a abible verse, oreven cry out to the Lord????

The Greek word for "silent" in I Tim. 2 literally means "quiet," not total silence. In I Cor. 14:34, the word for "speak/Lal-eh-o" means "to utter words, say, or preach [& is translated this way 6 times!]." So, you tell us, which definition applies contextually, "Speak," or "Preach"? Of course she can recieve the Holy Spirit, pray, etc. So, what's the only other option:_____________?

IF she cannot preach she cannot recieve the Holy Ghost....silent means silent ....not some man´s deciding when the silent applies...lol...

Then I suppose that "silent" does not apply to the church at all???? What was Paul thinking, writing under the auspices of the Holy Spirit like that?!?!?!?!

Acts 2:18, “…both men and women…shall prophesy. So whatever prophecy may mean men and women do it...and the place to do it is IN THE church so that all (men and women) can judge...
The Bible talks about " the words of this prophecy" speaking of the BIBLE itself...
And for about the umpteenth time now, "Prophecy" defines literally as primarily "to foretell," or secondarily, to spontaneuously "speak by INSPIRATION." But it's N-O-T an exposition from the Scriptures to men! Sheesh.....................just plod along like you don't read these actual definitions???
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
In Romans 16:1-2, Phoebe, a woman, was a “diakonon” of the
church in Cenchrea. The same Greek word translated “servant”9 here, is translated
“minister” in twenty-two other scriptures such as in Col 1:25 “Of this church I was made
a minister according to the stewardship from God bestowed on me for your benefit, that I
might fully carry out the preaching of the word of God,” NAS
And the same Greek word translated as "Speak" in I Cor. 14:34 is also translated as "preach" 6x's in the NT. Will you now be consistent & believe this word also?

Besides, "diakonon" is also used in many other contexts, such as the "servants" who filled the waterpots, Peter's mother-in-law, etc. Tell us, were they also a part of the NT 5-fold "ministry"????? Why not?
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:16 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Phoebe is believed to have delivered the book of Romans after traveling some 800 miles
from Cenchrea near Corinth to Rome.

So every woman who carries a letter for a preacher is now in the 5-fold ministry???

Paul writes “I commend10 (or introduce) to you,
our sister Phoebe,” Then he introduces her as a minister11 of the church in Cenchrea

How many reputable translations [i.e., "Formal Correspondance"] translate this term as "minister"? Notice I said "reputable"? And where does the literal text state that she "preached/taught" to the church?

urges the church at Rome to help her with the matter that brings her to Rome, for “she
has been a great help to many people, including me.” The word translated merely “great
help” or “helper” is a word meaning “a woman set over others, a patroness,”!12

Strong's & Vine's do not state this definition, so what you've done is found one Lexicon that gives this as a possible meaning of several. If this be the natural meaning of "helper," then why didn't the translators adopt this rendering [out of about 1,000 linguistical scholars cumulatively]?

She was
not a servant in the way we think of a servant, but a wealthy woman with money to use to
travel and to protect and help others. She served as a minister.
Where does the literal text state that she was a "preacher/teacher" to the church:__________? Paul already strictly forbade this in the church [I Tim. 2:11-15]. Respectfully, you're arguing your philosophy from non-existent Scripture.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:18 PM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
We can go back an forth however HIS word teaches that men and women preached everywhere...His word does not forbid women to carry the gospel...the Talmud may but not the Bible.
HIS Word strictly forbids women from teaching/preaching in the church. Witnessing the truth to sinners is not the same context as I Tim. 2 & I Cor. 14....for about the 20th time now.

God bless anyway.......I tried.
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Old 01-12-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: Can Women Pastor ?

Sister Alvear continue on in the Gospel. Jesus has a great reward when you make it home.
lv you.
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