Jesus’ friends did not meet the religious standards of the Pharisees for His friends were unlearned fishermen, the tax collector, the adulterous woman, the Samaritan woman. But it was to these and others like these that Jesus pointed down roads of time and said, "Go unto all the world and preach...Go, and tell that I have risen."
Let’s go back to Paul referring to the Talmud. No doubt Paul was citing from a letter received from the people at the church of Corinth and he quoted or recited a part of it. You may say how strange. Not really. He did the same thing in Athens. If he agreed, he told it, if he didn’t agree, he told us this also.
Notice once again,
I Timothy 2:11-12 where we read again the word silence. This time its usage is different than in
I Corinthians 14. This time in Greek it means quietness, humility. We all agree that a meek and quiet spirit is beautiful. We do believe that woman has domestic duties, and before she can be a preacher, she must obey her domestic duties according to the Bible; just as a man has domestic duties and it he doesn’t provide for his family, he too is not qualified to preach the gospel.
A holy woman of God would not think of being disobedient and unruly.
I Timothy 2:15: Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. In the Greek it says giving birth would save her.
The birth of our Savior came through a woman. He was made of a woman, something happened to a woman that never happened to a man. She carried in her womb the Holiest of Holies for nine months; the Ark of the Covenant was in her body. The only time the glory was ever encased in flesh outside the deity was by a virgin named Mary. For the Bible says, "that holy thing" that holy thing was the New Testament Ark of the Covenant.
We are living in the first fruits generation where we are experiencing a part of the glorious liberty that will be for all women. In the millennium there will be neither male nor female, we will all have glorified bodies like the angels. Sons of God, children of the resurrection, male and female, overcomes, reigning with him just like his original plan. Just like the Garden of Eden.
Complete liberty will be in the millennium; we have the first fruits of it now! May God forgive each one that may think those verses in Corinthians quoted from the Talmud represents the law of God for women in this dispensation.
John 8:36: If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
In contrast with the many passages that portray male disciples as lacking faith, the gospels contain only positive images of women with the single exception of Herodias.
Jesus saw everyone as "individuals not valuable males, and valueless females. It seems Jesus was gender blind! It’s important to note that in Matthew and Mark the angel of the Lord sent the women to tell the male disciples that Jesus had risen. And in Matthew and John, Jesus Himself sent them on the mission. The woman acted for Him as an apostle or as ones that are sent to bear witness of the gospel.
Preachers who oppose women preaching the gospel are guilty of preaching the Talmud, i.e. the Kabbalah. It is the Kabbalah that view Jews as a superior race and the male as the superior sex.