Something so very special happened to a woman. She carried Grace and Truth. The only time the glory of God was totally encased in flesh was by a virgin girl named Mary. For the Bible says “that holy thing” referring to the fetus of Jesus Christ was the New Testament Ark of the Covenant. The Holiest of Holies lay nestled safely in her womb. The first time the mercy seat would ever be touched as human form would be touched by Mary. She embraced it and cradled it in her arms - the very Word of life.
The man ruling over the woman is not natural (original state of things), it is abnormal - a result of sin. It is like death. Death is not natural, it is abnormal - a result of sin. I’ve heard people say that some person died a natural death. Death may be common, but it is not natural. God planned that we should live forever, so death is not natural. One day it will be swallowed up in victory (
1 Corinthians 15:55). The man has governed the woman ever since the fall so it may sound common and seem natural but that was not God’s original plan.
Not in domestic life, but a spiritual view point concerning spiritual things. In the first resurrection the situation above mentioned will be mended.
The woman was put under a divine order to be subject to her husband. We all know that, and no godly woman would disagree. Paul’s teaching on a woman’s obedience to the husband is based on the precept of loving his wife as Christ loved the church. He gave His life for it.
Paul recognized and taught that men and women are heirs together in grace.
I Corinthians 12:13: For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and all have been - all made to drink into one Spirit.
Ephesians 6-8: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall receive of the Lord, Whether he be bond or free.
Colossians 3:10-11: And have put on the new man, Which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcison, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
And let the peace of God rule in your heart, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord (
Colossians 3:15-16).
It is interesting to note that God provided for Adam a “helpmeet” (help meet). Meet also means suitable so, a help suitable for him. It is only where true Christianity is practiced that the woman attains to such a position as the helper or equal of man in the presence of the Lord. In lands where darkness reigns, woman is the slave, the chattel of man. The Hebrew word helpmeet means, the exact counterpart of himself, or the exact formulation of the other.
God did not create Eve to be Adam’s servant, but created her to be an equal companion. When I say equal I mean equal is worth not equal in order. God created another being like Adam for companionship. Even when God created the animals, fowls, and fish, the females were not slaves to their male counterparts. This requires equality of mutuality. The two earthlings would share the same tasks and responsibilities.
Genesis 1:28: And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
The Hebrew term “eler” translated as “helper” does carry a connotation of assistance, but whether the help comes from a superior or an inferior cannot be determined without context. The term describing what the woman does for Adam can also refer to what God does for the people (
Psalm 33:20; 54:4; 70:5; 79:9; 109:26; 115:9-1-1). Clearly this kind of help does not denote servitude or subservience.
This term does not imply that the woman was in any way inferior to the man or the human creature. The word simply ascribes a beneficial relationship between two parties in which one helps the other. There is no sense in which the helper is subordinate to the one in need of help. If the man is superior, why would he need any help at all from one who is inferior. Isn’t it usually the inferior that requires help from the superior? As a doctor who is superior in medical knowledge reaches out to help an inferior, his sickly patient.
The word “helper” translates better as “Partner” since it is used in the Old Testament to denote an agent of equal or even superior strength. God is the only other entity to whom the Old Testament applies the word. For example:
Psalm 46:1, “A time of help in trouble”,
Deuteronomy 33:26, “Rides the heaven to your rescue”, and
Psalm 70:5, “My helper, my Savior, Yahweh.” I am not saying the woman is above man I am only saying as helper she is not a slave.
The women in the Old Testament had a tremendous disadvantage. As we continue to read God’s Word, we can slowly see the dignity of the woman being restored. Even with the devil furiously fighting against her, there were occasions when she rose above her disadvantages showing a marvelous manifestation of courage and, on several occasions exercising notable ministries.
We may want to hide from these stories. They are sometimes unpleasant in the extreme. They raise issues we may wish to avoid or deny. Yet they are stories of the lives of women who lived as we live in an abusive, even hostile world. We will study stories that speak the truth bringing the light of day into a darkened world, uncovering sins - that permeated lives.
The Bible tells about women used in leadership and their proclamation of faith. There have always been women who transcended the boundaries that their society placed upon them. There have always been women whose faith motivated them to acts of courage and to powerful ministries that made them known and felt. These stories teach us undeniable truth.
Women can be and should be effective servants of God in every spiritual dimension. Women of the Old Testament faith were preachers, proclaimers, wealthy and powerful supporters, prophetesses, military heroes and judges.
These ancient women of faith were average people with normal lives who found ways to serve God in every facet of their lives. We need to shake aside the shackles of bureaucratic structures, which chain the tongues of over half the Christian believers.
The problem that women preachers face today is not the lack of God’s call but traditions which men have developed that resist her call. Eternity alone will reveal the extent of the influence of women whose spirit came to rejoice in God their Savior and who, having discovered the well of life, left their water pots to go and tell of the gospel story.
When Jesus entered upon His earthly ministry, women intently responded to His teachings, sympathized with Him in His darkest hours and found in Him their benefactor and friend. Women were the last to leave the cross, first at the tomb on Christ’s resurrection day, and the first to proclaim the glorious news of His victory over the grave.
In the annals of the early church, women are likewise notable for their spiritual devotion, fidelity, in teaching the Word of God, and sacrificial support of God’s servants. Their faith and prayers were mingled with those of the apostles in preparation for Pentecost and through out Christian era. The church owes more than it realizes to the prayers, loyalty and gifts of its female members. From the time when women labored with Paul in the gospel (
Philippians 4:3), religious leaders have been dependent upon the miniseries of women. Gifted and consecrated women figure prominently in the labors of Paul. Owing much to the Redeemer for her spiritual freedom and ennoblement, woman has endeavored to pay her debt in unreserved devotion to Him who was born of a woman.
Bible women form the most remarkable portrait gallery of women preachers in existence. Many of them are among the immortals, whose records shine brightly for us in God’s biography of humanity.
One of the reasons that religious leaders were against Jesus was that He did not accept the Jewish traditions that were accepted by almost everyone else. For example, Jesus healed on the Sabbath, dined with sinners, and talked with women who were not of the Jewish race. He not only talked with them, but also taught them - something unheard of in His day. Jesus sent His disciples to gather corn on the Sabbath (
Mark 2:3-28). He healed on the Sabbath; He broke many of their rules proving that traditions of men are not the laws of God!
Christ seemly considered Himself Lord of “traditions”. Whenever tradition hinders or prevents the work of Christ, it is necessary to dismiss that tradition.
Paul taught the Galatians freedom and liberty in the Spirit. In Christ there is no racial or ethnic superiority. No culture or class superiority, no gender superiority (
Galatians 3:28). Paul taught the gifts are for all (
I Corinthians 12:27-28;
II Corinthians 5:20).
Women like men can pray and prophesy in the congregation. By prophesying, Paul meant intelligible preaching that built up the faith of the church.
When tradition hinders or prevents the work of Christ, it is necessary to alter that tradition. The perpetuation of a tradition that no longer serves humanity but dictates to how one should do something then thwarts the purposes of God’s church. It is then the tradition is in conflict with the will of God.