Read Rom. 16:1-2 for what the literal text says. Pls. see Strong's & W. E. Vine's Expository Greek definitions of "servant" & "helper" & do not be selective in which definitions you choose [as you've done above]. Word definitions are applicable in light of context, & the literal text says that Pheobe was a "H-E-L-P-E-R". Pls. provide for us where the text actually says that she was a "preacher":____________________? Again, you have assumed your pre-conceived notions into the text that never states the same.
The Priscilla argument is downright silly. Simply because she's mentioned in a home Bible study [w/ her husband, by the way], she's now a "preacher"????????? Talk about jumping thru hoops!
Where did Deborah, of Huldah "preach" a Biblical sermon to the Israelites? They both spontaneously "Prophesied" of God's future plans [which, according to I Cor. 11 is fine], not "preached sermons". Again, you're importing your own ideas into the text...NEVER stated by the same. Do you not fear God to tamper w/ His written Word like that?
Still waiting on you to deal w/ I Tim. 2:11-15, I Cor. 14:34, I Tim. 3, etc. Until you do so, I'll just assume that you cannot. Pls. spare me your theology, I'm only interested in the actual text itself.
Sis. Alvear's devotion to the cause of Chrsit honestly moves me, yet, I have to RESPECTFULLY disagree w/ her Biblically. As far as eternal judgement goes, God will be her judge, but as for me & my house, we're sticking w/ the Book....feel safer that way.
Succourer. Read the Strong's definition I posted and weep. She was also a helper, but Paul specifically mentions succourer. That's specific for only Phoebe. No one else in the Bible is mentioned by anyone to have that title.
Do you know the definition of 'preacher'? It's someone sharing the good news. Here's the definition for you.
Transliterated Word
Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech
kay-roos'-so Verb
1. to be a herald, to officiate as a herald
1. to proclaim after the manner of a herald
2. always with the suggestion of formality, gravity and an authority which must be listened to and obeyed
2. to publish, proclaim openly: something which has been done
3. used of the public proclamation of the gospel and matters pertaining to it, made by John the Baptist, by Jesus, by the apostles and other Christian teachers
Are you going to claim that women cannot do the above? What scripture do you have to support that claim?
Oh, and in case you didn't notice, there's nothing mentioned above in regard to a church building, pulpit, and that it's only for a man to do.
Did you like how the Bible rates Miriam right up there with Aaron and Moses? I bet you don't.
As for Deborah, ever wonder why even priests, who were also prophets, called on WOMEN to give them a Word from God? It's nice how you like to sweep away the importance of their words which became scripture...the very Word of God. Huldah was called upon as well by both priests and kings. Ever wonder why God didn't just tell the priests what He wanted the kings to know?? I mean, God can't use women to share the gospel or His death, burial, and resurrection, but when He has a prophecy proclaiming doom and gloom, women are good enough, right?
Preach sermons? Scripture says women can't do that or that only men can? Where???
Of course, I'm sure you are one of those men that don't allow women, including your wife, to teach you anything. That would be against God's Word, wouldn't it???
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!