Saddened by NY Grand Jury Decision To NOT Indict
There is a lot in the news lately concerning black males meeting their deaths at the hands of white cops.
A lot of it sensational, but the sad truths in these stories don't change, despite the sensationalism and misplaced anger.
Still I find myself truly affected, saddened, by the NY Grand Jury decision to not indict Officer Pantaleo for the chokehold he put on civilian Eric Garner-- a chokehold that led to his death.
Even as his life was leaving his body, they stood next to him on the street, doing nothing and Eric Garner died at their feet, in broad daylight.
There is probably more that I am not aware of concerning this case.
Eric Garner was probably a repeat offender of selling individual cigarrettes, not that this, or anything else that could come to light, would make it worth while for the police to take his life.
The pattern of police abusing their power with Black males in America is complicated, but nonetheless, a pattern.
In the case of Eric Garner, I am shocked and saddened for him and for those who did love him.
I hope that the Attorney General can find some annomaly, some way, to get Officer Pantaleo-- Eric Garner's blood cries for justice.
My heart breaks for the injustice.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."