Originally Posted by RevBufordBloom
them narrow hallways kept knockng my hat brim. Dont know the owners of the place. Most folk put kin and kids on their walls. These guys jus put themself up all over.
Awww, haven't you ever heard any of them get up to preach and say "Now, I ain't married and I have no friends while I'm preaching this"?
Generally it is a statement made prior to a sheep skinning, but perhaps they have taken it a step further...
Actually, I have no issue with the WPF. I have good friends in that group. My understanding and observation is that the ones I know for the most part were pushed out of the UPC years ago over differences in standards and their inability to be "diplomatic" (ie keep their mouths shut) in the face of what they considered sin. So they didn't pull out of the UPC to join the WPF. And I have a deep respect for Bro LB-no matter what else anyone may say he did or didn't do or said or didn't say, he helped me through an extremely difficult situaiton several years ago. Not once did he speak ill of anyone involved in my situation, he expected and got no recognition or reimbursement for what he did, and he helped me see both sides of the situation, all the while still encouraging me to do what was right. Not once was he unethical in the situation, and he offered to stand for me if I needed (even though my guess is that some would have attacked him for doing so).