I did notice one picture on the wall that is a cropped picture of an obscure (tic) painting in the Vatican commissioned by Pope Julius II... could there be some ties to Rome here?
Last edited by Brad Murphy; 01-09-2010 at 11:17 AM.
I did notice one picture on the wall that is a cropped picture of an obscure (tic) painting in the Vatican commissioned by Pope Julius II... could there be some ties to Rome here?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I did notice one picture on the wall that is a cropped picture of an obscure (tic) painting in the Vatican commissioned by Pope Julius II... could there be some ties to Rome here?
Of course, it's just a "detail" of said painting.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Location: just north of the celtics red sox and patriots go baby!
Posts: 730
Re: New WWPF Worldwide Headquarters
Originally Posted by Thinking
It is interesting that a Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship would exclude a Pentecostal preacher because he is a foreigner. There probably is a valid answer; I would like to hear that.
its already been explained you cant tbe insured and be in a foreign country !
This is an unbelievably funny thread. But this post made me choke. That's funny. But just when I thought it couldn't get funnier, I saw that someone corrected you and let you know that "Worldwide" is one word. Now I can't breathe.
There were about a couple of forum posters here who lied that this wasnt any org either.
Originally Posted by DAII
Can we agree they bore false witness?
DAII, if such allegations were not so sad they would be laughable. Since I am one of those that "lied" (according to you) by stating what was communicated to all concerning the intentions of the WPF founders, I will copy a response that I posted on another AFF thread concerning this issue.
I want to say up front that I am not speaking in any official capacity about/for the WPF, so most of what I have to say is my opinion, which may or may not be worth very much.
First let me say that the men who formed the WPF, are IMHO great men of God, and I believe their motives were pure. When they stated that it was/would not be an organization but rather a fellowship, I firmly believe that is what they envisioned. A place of common ground for those who wished to stay in their respective organizations (for various reasons, i.e. those pastors who have churches that are affiliated/or that the UPCI/other organization has invested much into) while fellowshipping with brethren who may be more in line with their convictions, standards, lifestyle, or ideology. In many cases it would not serve as a replacement of their current structured organization, but would supplement it, much like those who are part of the AWCF. For those who either were independent or who decided to leave their respective organizations, some departments were put in place to facilitate fellowship, growth, solidarity, education, and support.
That being said, while the founders may have envisioned a well organized yet "loose" fellowship: as they began to grow and men who were used to more "structure" came on board, they have become more and more organized, IMO in an attempt to meet some of those needs. However, they still do not license/credential ministers, every church is fully autonomous, there are no politics in play, (as any elections are by lot, so it would be nearly impossible for a person to "campaign/politic" for position.) There are no paid officials (with the exception of one "headquarters" rep).
With regard to "organizing" on the foreign field, there are some countries where a minister MUST be licensed with a legitimate organization in order to be recognized by the government. In such cases much prayer, thought and time has been spent trying to figure out how to provide that, yet maintain a "fellowship" structure. Which by the way may be impossible. So they may become an organization by way of adaptation/evolution on the foreign field, and at home as well.
I cannot understand what the problem is with the WPF having headquarter offices. While they appear nice, they do not seem to be overly lavish. Whether an organization or a fellowship, it certainly is to be expected there is a fair amount of office work to be done.
When the discussion about forming the WPF first came up there were some here on AFF who said - "OH no! Another split. Anew org..."
Those voices were immediately attacked as "liars." Many people who were closer to the WPF spoke out in support of them, even calling out UPC pastors for allegedly being involved in tolerating gross sins as examples of why a new "fellowship" was needed -
"But!" they insisted, "you're lying if you say it will be a completely new org."
The WPF men then continued their recruitment tactics by insinuating themselves in with their targets and attempting to pull them out of fellowship with the UPC - all the while insisting that they had no intentions of forming a new organization. The immediately started up a rival Bible Quizzing program and other organizational departments, still saying that they were not starting a new organization.
And, here on AFF anyone who said "This sure looks like a new organization" was castigated and skewered. I think the desire to say, "See I told you so" is understandable.
It's a new organization built to rival the UPC, plain and simple. It represents the power and control that proved so elusive for the founders when they were within the UPC.