Originally Posted by pelathais
That's nice. Blame the people who come into our services with hope for a healing and a miracle if we can't produce. I have seen literally hundreds of people run out of Pentecostal churches because they "lacked faith" to get a miracle done in their lives.
The Pentecostal/Apostolic movement chews up and spits outs thousands of people every year rather than admit that most times no miracle will be forthcoming no matter what. Instead of admitting that there's something wrong with our doctrine, we tell other people that there's something wrong with them. And then we shun them and exile them rather than come to terms with our own inability to live up to the fantasy world that we have created.
Why don't we find a single Stephen alive today? Acts 6:8.
And... if you want to bring some one forth as "proof" - I will want some proof as well.
Pel, what you're saying here is the truth, whether anyone likes it or not.
Why is it that poster's like Sweat Pea, get all bent out of shape when people begin to expose the facts and fiction about who we are? You have said nothing in your comments that isn't worthy of consideration. People call it “Doubting”, or that “Unbelief” has strangled the heart, but if that was true, what is said by that person should be able to be proven to be a hoax; a lie. If people think you are lying, state the reason with the facts, not with another smokescreen of maybes.
The age old practice of using maybes to enlighten people is not only old, it creates Faith based Religion that draws from the well of “Spectral Evidence” where actual proof is deemed a rebellious notion. Don’t people see the danger in this?
It seems we are told to just accept something even though the Facts that God gave us, Creation, defy the theories presented by God’s own measuring stick. This doesn’t make sense to me, and appears to leave the door wide open for people to make up whatever they want to, and then demand that we believe them.
To anyone else reading this, just consider. Sit down, take a few minutes, or a few days and think about it. Is it wrong to challenge what we've been taught to believe? And, what are the consequences if we don't?
We live in a time where Truth is more available than probably any civilization that has ever lived. A Story, a Book, a Letter, a Religion, a Culture, these things can't hide under the canopy of a False Idea like in the past. This is not only a blessing, but becomes a responsible act towards the many people who’ve walked out our doors in absolute confusion about Faith when we admit we may have been wrong.
I can only imagine how Galileo felt. The Church and those with Faith looked at him as a heretic; a backslider. He was a fool to challenge those who knew what God was saying. But the Facts settled the score, and History has given us a man who didn’t back down, Galileo becoming one of the greatest scientists of all time.
If we back down under the same anger posed to this great man, will we pass on further darkness into the future, handing our children the baton of a lie.