Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
If its baptism in JN and speaking in tongues, for salvation (conveniently ignoring all the extra baggage y'all tack on), then isn't it cut andcdried as Steve Epley says? Every single one who doesn't meet the 3 step criteria goes to hell?
Are you going to reintroduce the "light doctrine"?
Doesn't the very fact that your soteriology cannot account for "previous believers" prior to the doctrines invention in 1908 (if your thread is correct in moving it back 5 years) and thus cause the need for the question strongly suggest it is faulty at the foundations?
See how you refused to address the question I asked? See how instead you introduce a straw man argument, claiming I said the new birth doctrine was created in 1908? See how you introduce the red herring of "extra baggage y'all tack on"?
Instead of answering the question "how much false doctrine can a person believe and not be lost?" you go off into these tangents. Why? Because you cannot answer.
Either we go by the Bible, or we go by your feelings of how people in the past must be saved because of all the great things they did for Jesus.