The Month of April in Pentecostal History!
23 April 1905-First Pentecostal service held by Charles Fox Parham in Orchard, Texas, marking the introduction of the Apostolic Faith to the state.
16 April 1906-Howard Goss, first General Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church, filled with the Holy Ghost on evangelistic train ride from Orchard, Texas.
18 April 1906-Great earthquake in San Francisco. Aftershocks in Los Angeles helped fuel the Azusa Street revival.
14 April 1913-Beginning of World Wide Apostolic Faith Camp Meeting in Arroyo Seco, California. The baptismal service at this meeting spawned the prayerful study of the Scriptures that resulted in the restoration of the revelation of the Mighty God in Christ.
2-12 April 1914-General meetings of Pentecostal saints in Hot Spring, Arkansas. The gathering became the 1st General Conference of the Assemblies of God.
April 1930-Pentecostal Church Incorporated began publishing their own Sunday School literature.
12 April 1931-Garfield Thomas Haywood, first Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World and pastor of Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church in Indianapolis, Indiana died.
17-20 April 1945-The General Boards of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ and the Pentecostal Church Incorporated met in St. Louis to plan the organizational merger. The name “United Pentecostal Church” was agreed upon at this meeting.
April 1949-Property purchased at Gravois Avenue and Christy Park Boulevard in St. Louis for headquarters of the United Pentecostal Church.
28 April 1954-Dedication service was held for the new United Pentecostal Church headquarters on South Grand Boulevard in St. Louis, Missouri. Ralph G. Cook was the speaker.
April 1961–United Pentecostal Church held first International Youth Week, with a week’s services scheduled worlwide.