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Old 06-16-2008, 08:52 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
It's alright, I'm use to it. I should change my name to eliminate any confusion.
Wasn't Mizpeh actually a city somewhere in ancient Israel, Judah, or Palestine?
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Old 06-16-2008, 08:56 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
It's alright, I'm use to it. I should change my name to eliminate any confusion.
I wish there was some kind of male/female indicator on the member profiles, to eliminate any confusion.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 06-16-2008, 09:20 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Did you say "Oneness friends"?
You know I was thinking today of starting a thread about that....people calling each other "friend" but it sounds shallow
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:14 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Did you say "Oneness friends"?
Thank you all for you honest input, my FRIENDS. Yes, I said Oneness Friends. I may not agree with you, but I still consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I'm sorry that some of you can't call me the same, nor even consider me to be your friend.

I knew, because of my raising and 36 years within the UPC in Louisiana, that this thread would probably ignite a little fire. That was not my intention and I will not argue with any of you on what you've stated. When I asked the question, it was a sincere attempt to get your honest perspective, as I had a trinitarian brother share that with me yesterday evening in a way in which I'd never heard it and I did not share his perspective, but again, did not argue. I asked it here simply to get your input.

Again, I am not going to argue with you about this, but I will say this. For the most part, many of you have spit your venom at me simply because I do not share the same views as you do. Many on here, myself included, enjoy taking pop shots at one another in jest, but when you can't even call someone your friend because they don't see things just as you do, then you need to check your salvation, because Christ is not in you!

I realize that every organization has it's group of self-righteous, religious, Pharisees and I've been a part of several of them and around many of them, but that spirit is more prominent within the UPC than anything else I've ever been around in my life! You kill your own with your self-made holiness standards, which are deemed by many to be heaven or hell issues, yet vary from church to church. When someone differs with you, you're too holy to work with them in a spirit of Christ-like love. You gossip and backbite and condemn anyone that you can't control. And if anyone ever leaves your doctrine, then they are automatically deemed to be a reprobate who has rejected "truth" and believed a lie and is damned! Using Greek terminology, "HOGWASH"!

In UPC, we always stated that "Jesus Paid It All!" Those are empty words within the UPC!

The real belief in the heart of the UPC, evidenced by their words, their attitude toward others and their heaven or hell holiness standards is this. "Jesus, we believe that you are God made manifest in the flesh and we know that you came to this earth and lived a sinless life and you died a horrible death and rose again and you did it all for our salvation. We believe that your precious blood is what covers our sin. And we appreciate what You've done for us. And we're gonna sing about the Cross and preach about it and thank You for it, but really it just wasn't quite enough! We know that You tried and we know that You did a lot at Calvary, but still it just wasn't quite enough to save us. So we're gonna try and help You out by making some standards that we think are Holy enough to help save us. And if we can get people to keep these standards, then that plus what You did at the Cross, should be enough."

Now, I know that some of you are probably either laughing or you're boiling mad right now, but if you ever get honest enough and look at it sincerely, that's basically what your RELIGION teaches.

Paul made it so clear when He said that it is by GRACE you have been saved and this (salvation) not of yourselves; for it is the GIFT of God, NOT BY WORKS so that NO MAN can boast! Yet so many of you boast about your righteousness in keeping the "standards". You brag about "I don't do this and I don't do that" and you're believing and trusting in those empty works for your salvation! My friend, SALVATION is of the CROSS and NOTHING MORE! If you add ANYTHING to the Cross, you're in error!

And I know that someone's gonna pop up any second now and spit it out "Faith without works is dead". That scripture is a prime example of a scripture that has been manipulated and misconstrued by the UPC and others like them. You emphasize that word WORKS there and you place your focus on those WORKS. However, the emphasis is on FAITH. If you truly have Living, Saving Faith, it will produce the fruit of Good Works. The works are simply a product of the faith.

Anyway, I've beat this horse long enough. For most of you, who do not consider me to be your friend, much less your brother in Christ, because my beliefs are not just as yours (you'd be surprised, I'm not that far away from most of you), I will not be back on this Forum any longer. Of course, after this, I may not be ALLOWED back on this forum. That's fine.

I sincerely and I mean that, pray God's blessings upon each of you. I may sound angry in some of the things that I've said, I'm really not. However, I've witnessed so much HOGWASH within the UPC and this thread just brought it all back home so vividly. I do consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ and I believe that one day we will be together with our Savior in Glory, but for now, I believe that many of you are in error. Thank God for His Abundant Grace even when our views are flawed.

God Bless You All Is My Prayer!
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:15 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

More venom from our friend
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:26 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Again, I am not going to argue with you about this, but I will say this. For the most part, many of you have spit your venom at me simply because I do not share the same views as you do. Many on here, myself included, enjoy taking pop shots at one another in jest, but when you can't even call someone your friend because they don't see things just as you do, then you need to check your salvation, because Christ is not in you!

I realize that every organization has it's group of self-righteous, religious, Pharisees and I've been a part of several of them and around many of them, but that spirit is more prominent within the UPC than anything else I've ever been around in my life! You kill your own with your self-made holiness standards, which are deemed by many to be heaven or hell issues, yet vary from church to church. When someone differs with you, you're too holy to work with them in a spirit of Christ-like love. You gossip and backbite and condemn anyone that you can't control. And if anyone ever leaves your doctrine, then they are automatically deemed to be a reprobate who has rejected "truth" and believed a lie and is damned! Using Greek terminology, "HOGWASH"!

In UPC, we always stated that "Jesus Paid It All!" Those are empty words within the UPC!

The real belief in the heart of the UPC, evidenced by their words, their attitude toward others and their heaven or hell holiness standards is this. "Jesus, we believe that you are God made manifest in the flesh and we know that you came to this earth and lived a sinless life and you died a horrible death and rose again and you did it all for our salvation. We believe that your precious blood is what covers our sin. And we appreciate what You've done for us. And we're gonna sing about the Cross and preach about it and thank You for it, but really it just wasn't quite enough! We know that You tried and we know that You did a lot at Calvary, but still it just wasn't quite enough to save us. So we're gonna try and help You out by making some standards that we think are Holy enough to help save us. And if we can get people to keep these standards, then that plus what You did at the Cross, should be enough."

Now, I know that some of you are probably either laughing or you're boiling mad right now, but if you ever get honest enough and look at it sincerely, that's basically what your RELIGION teaches.

Paul made it so clear when He said that it is by GRACE you have been saved and this (salvation) not of yourselves; for it is the GIFT of God, NOT BY WORKS so that NO MAN can boast! Yet so many of you boast about your righteousness in keeping the "standards". You brag about "I don't do this and I don't do that" and you're believing and trusting in those empty works for your salvation! My friend, SALVATION is of the CROSS and NOTHING MORE! If you add ANYTHING to the Cross, you're in error!

And I know that someone's gonna pop up any second now and spit it out "Faith without works is dead". That scripture is a prime example of a scripture that has been manipulated and misconstrued by the UPC and others like them. You emphasize that word WORKS there and you place your focus on those WORKS. However, the emphasis is on FAITH. If you truly have Living, Saving Faith, it will produce the fruit of Good Works. The works are simply a product of the faith.

Anyway, I've beat this horse long enough. For most of you, who do not consider me to be your friend, much less your brother in Christ, because my beliefs are not just as yours (you'd be surprised, I'm not that far away from most of you), I will not be back on this Forum any longer. Of course, after this, I may not be ALLOWED back on this forum. That's fine.

I sincerely and I mean that, pray God's blessings upon each of you. I may sound angry in some of the things that I've said, I'm really not. However, I've witnessed so much HOGWASH within the UPC and this thread just brought it all back home so vividly. I do consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ and I believe that one day we will be together with our Savior in Glory, but for now, I believe that many of you are in error. Thank God for His Abundant Grace even when our views are flawed.

God Bless You All Is My Prayer!
An interesting mixture of piousness and vitriol .
A truly repulsive post.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:27 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
An interesting mixture of piousness and vitriol .
A truly repulsive post.
But he's your friend.....
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:

  1. There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:34 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
But he's your friend.....
From the moment I read the original post, I had this feeling deep down that things were going to go sour on this thread; and kinda fast, too.

Sure enough, that's exactly what happened.

Oh well...
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 06-16-2008, 11:40 PM
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Thank you all for you honest input, my FRIENDS. Yes, I said Oneness Friends. I may not agree with you, but I still consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I'm sorry that some of you can't call me the same, nor even consider me to be your friend.

I knew, because of my raising and 36 years within the UPC in Louisiana, that this thread would probably ignite a little fire. That was not my intention and I will not argue with any of you on what you've stated. When I asked the question, it was a sincere attempt to get your honest perspective, as I had a trinitarian brother share that with me yesterday evening in a way in which I'd never heard it and I did not share his perspective, but again, did not argue. I asked it here simply to get your input.

Again, I am not going to argue with you about this, but I will say this. For the most part, many of you have spit your venom at me simply because I do not share the same views as you do. Many on here, myself included, enjoy taking pop shots at one another in jest, but when you can't even call someone your friend because they don't see things just as you do, then you need to check your salvation, because Christ is not in you!

I realize that every organization has it's group of self-righteous, religious, Pharisees and I've been a part of several of them and around many of them, but that spirit is more prominent within the UPC than anything else I've ever been around in my life! You kill your own with your self-made holiness standards, which are deemed by many to be heaven or hell issues, yet vary from church to church. When someone differs with you, you're too holy to work with them in a spirit of Christ-like love. You gossip and backbite and condemn anyone that you can't control. And if anyone ever leaves your doctrine, then they are automatically deemed to be a reprobate who has rejected "truth" and believed a lie and is damned! Using Greek terminology, "HOGWASH"!

In UPC, we always stated that "Jesus Paid It All!" Those are empty words within the UPC!

The real belief in the heart of the UPC, evidenced by their words, their attitude toward others and their heaven or hell holiness standards is this. "Jesus, we believe that you are God made manifest in the flesh and we know that you came to this earth and lived a sinless life and you died a horrible death and rose again and you did it all for our salvation. We believe that your precious blood is what covers our sin. And we appreciate what You've done for us. And we're gonna sing about the Cross and preach about it and thank You for it, but really it just wasn't quite enough! We know that You tried and we know that You did a lot at Calvary, but still it just wasn't quite enough to save us. So we're gonna try and help You out by making some standards that we think are Holy enough to help save us. And if we can get people to keep these standards, then that plus what You did at the Cross, should be enough."

Now, I know that some of you are probably either laughing or you're boiling mad right now, but if you ever get honest enough and look at it sincerely, that's basically what your RELIGION teaches.

Paul made it so clear when He said that it is by GRACE you have been saved and this (salvation) not of yourselves; for it is the GIFT of God, NOT BY WORKS so that NO MAN can boast! Yet so many of you boast about your righteousness in keeping the "standards". You brag about "I don't do this and I don't do that" and you're believing and trusting in those empty works for your salvation! My friend, SALVATION is of the CROSS and NOTHING MORE! If you add ANYTHING to the Cross, you're in error!

And I know that someone's gonna pop up any second now and spit it out "Faith without works is dead". That scripture is a prime example of a scripture that has been manipulated and misconstrued by the UPC and others like them. You emphasize that word WORKS there and you place your focus on those WORKS. However, the emphasis is on FAITH. If you truly have Living, Saving Faith, it will produce the fruit of Good Works. The works are simply a product of the faith.

Anyway, I've beat this horse long enough. For most of you, who do not consider me to be your friend, much less your brother in Christ, because my beliefs are not just as yours (you'd be surprised, I'm not that far away from most of you), I will not be back on this Forum any longer. Of course, after this, I may not be ALLOWED back on this forum. That's fine.

I sincerely and I mean that, pray God's blessings upon each of you. I may sound angry in some of the things that I've said, I'm really not. However, I've witnessed so much HOGWASH within the UPC and this thread just brought it all back home so vividly. I do consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ and I believe that one day we will be together with our Savior in Glory, but for now, I believe that many of you are in error. Thank God for His Abundant Grace even when our views are flawed.

God Bless You All Is My Prayer!
I recall that there were many people here that claimed AG as their brother. It appears that he really didn't like the UPC...go figure! Why are there so many people that come crawling out of the woodwork just to bash the UPC?

Oh, the drama!


Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
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Old 06-17-2008, 12:14 AM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Question For My Oneness Friends...

Originally Posted by AbundantGrace View Post
Thank you all for you honest input, my FRIENDS. Yes, I said Oneness Friends. I may not agree with you, but I still consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I'm sorry that some of you can't call me the same, nor even consider me to be your friend.

I knew, because of my raising and 36 years within the UPC in Louisiana, that this thread would probably ignite a little fire. That was not my intention and I will not argue with any of you on what you've stated. When I asked the question, it was a sincere attempt to get your honest perspective, as I had a trinitarian brother share that with me yesterday evening in a way in which I'd never heard it and I did not share his perspective, but again, did not argue. I asked it here simply to get your input.

Again, I am not going to argue with you about this, but I will say this. For the most part, many of you have spit your venom at me simply because I do not share the same views as you do. Many on here, myself included, enjoy taking pop shots at one another in jest, but when you can't even call someone your friend because they don't see things just as you do, then you need to check your salvation, because Christ is not in you!

I realize that every organization has it's group of self-righteous, religious, Pharisees and I've been a part of several of them and around many of them, but that spirit is more prominent within the UPC than anything else I've ever been around in my life! You kill your own with your self-made holiness standards, which are deemed by many to be heaven or hell issues, yet vary from church to church. When someone differs with you, you're too holy to work with them in a spirit of Christ-like love. You gossip and backbite and condemn anyone that you can't control. And if anyone ever leaves your doctrine, then they are automatically deemed to be a reprobate who has rejected "truth" and believed a lie and is damned! Using Greek terminology, "HOGWASH"!

In UPC, we always stated that "Jesus Paid It All!" Those are empty words within the UPC!

The real belief in the heart of the UPC, evidenced by their words, their attitude toward others and their heaven or hell holiness standards is this. "Jesus, we believe that you are God made manifest in the flesh and we know that you came to this earth and lived a sinless life and you died a horrible death and rose again and you did it all for our salvation. We believe that your precious blood is what covers our sin. And we appreciate what You've done for us. And we're gonna sing about the Cross and preach about it and thank You for it, but really it just wasn't quite enough! We know that You tried and we know that You did a lot at Calvary, but still it just wasn't quite enough to save us. So we're gonna try and help You out by making some standards that we think are Holy enough to help save us. And if we can get people to keep these standards, then that plus what You did at the Cross, should be enough."

Now, I know that some of you are probably either laughing or you're boiling mad right now, but if you ever get honest enough and look at it sincerely, that's basically what your RELIGION teaches.

Paul made it so clear when He said that it is by GRACE you have been saved and this (salvation) not of yourselves; for it is the GIFT of God, NOT BY WORKS so that NO MAN can boast! Yet so many of you boast about your righteousness in keeping the "standards". You brag about "I don't do this and I don't do that" and you're believing and trusting in those empty works for your salvation! My friend, SALVATION is of the CROSS and NOTHING MORE! If you add ANYTHING to the Cross, you're in error!

And I know that someone's gonna pop up any second now and spit it out "Faith without works is dead". That scripture is a prime example of a scripture that has been manipulated and misconstrued by the UPC and others like them. You emphasize that word WORKS there and you place your focus on those WORKS. However, the emphasis is on FAITH. If you truly have Living, Saving Faith, it will produce the fruit of Good Works. The works are simply a product of the faith.

Anyway, I've beat this horse long enough. For most of you, who do not consider me to be your friend, much less your brother in Christ, because my beliefs are not just as yours (you'd be surprised, I'm not that far away from most of you), I will not be back on this Forum any longer. Of course, after this, I may not be ALLOWED back on this forum. That's fine.

I sincerely and I mean that, pray God's blessings upon each of you. I may sound angry in some of the things that I've said, I'm really not. However, I've witnessed so much HOGWASH within the UPC and this thread just brought it all back home so vividly. I do consider you to be my brothers and sisters in Christ and I believe that one day we will be together with our Savior in Glory, but for now, I believe that many of you are in error. Thank God for His Abundant Grace even when our views are flawed.

God Bless You All Is My Prayer!
Are you glad you got all of this off your chest, AG? I hope so, because it seems there is some bitterness inside of you that may be manifesting itself in this post.
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