I like Herman Cain. I think America would do really well under his leadership. I really can't stand the feeling I get with polished politicians like Perry and Romney. These 2nd tier candidates I think would be less beholden to special interests. I'd rather see Cain or Bachmann or Gingrich or Santorum go up against BO rather than Perry of Romney.
Sorry, just wanted to play the Democrat for a moment. We all know if someone dislikes Obama it is because of his race, whether or not you would vote for Herman Cain is inconseqential to you being a racist.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards
"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
As far as looking more presidential, yes, Romney did do that. But, I still wasn't happy with him tonight. He makes you feel as though nothing in the Republican Party will change if he gets the nomination. JMO.
From what I was able to watch (from about 9 pm CT after)...
Romney was my least-favorite, hands-down. It's as if his sole purpose was to spew attacks on Perry, among others...
Perry wasn't far behind Romney in my overall impression, not that I wouldn't still consider voting for him. I think he faired well considering the blunt-force trauma coming from Romney...
Bachmann said more of the same her competitors said, nothing she said really got my attention.
Johnson's response about his neighbor's dogs was hilarious. Oh, wait -- who's that Johnson dude? (Being sarcastic)
Santorum, I can't say much, at least right now. Nothing really caught my attention.
Cain caught my attention a little more than he has before. I liked his demeanor
Gingrich said some things that caught my attention too, and I'd consider voting for him since his experience and knowledge are rather impressive to me.
Paul seemed to get quite a bit more applause and support than what the news media would even dare come close to revealing. He made sense in his responses and seemed, by his demeanor, to be the only one there actually taking the debate/questions serious (never mind the whole gameshow statements toward the end).
I laughed many times, in a good sense, because of some of the things that were said. Other times, I shook my head because it's the same broken record being stated from 8 different perspectives. Bottom line, they all don't like Obama's policies and said he needs to go. I agree...
We've got 14 months 'til election, plenty of time to stay tuned and form a better opinioin of who would be best suited...
I fell asleep so didn't watch it, but my husband says Cain rocked it.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. ~Tolkien
I would give anything for Perry to get serious. It's like watching my two oldest daughters, one gets in trouble and points to something the other did, then the other points out something the first one did, etc,etc.
I would love to see a candidate take the sarcastic slaps then simply respond in elegance with true policy and opinion without trying to slap a one liner back. The results would be the sarcastic one looking really immature by the end of the night.
I want to see somebody take the high road and get down to business.
__________________ You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree
In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter
"Rick Perry is pursuing a risky strategy, one radically different from other Republican candidates. Those "other candidates" are pursuing a "NOMINATION STRATEGY," where they go so far to the right that they win the nomination -- but also offend a significant MAJORITY of American voters. Then, in the general election they spend most of their time essentially saying, "I didn't mean a thing I said in the Primary!"
It's a General Election Strategy. That is, he's not running against Romney; he's running against Barack Obama. He and the advisors he trusts believe the traditional "veer right, lurch left" approach won't work anymore. The GES might conceivably cost Rick the nomination, but it's the only approach that could end up making him our next president."
We will see if Ann Coulter has been right all along.
Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is reconsidering his decision not to enter the 2012 presidential race — and he says he will let top Republican donors know within days about his plans, Newsmax has learned.