Poll results so far. (Out of a field of 10 Candidates)
Who do you think won the debate? #1 Candidate - Ron Paul @ 54%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 46%
Who seemed to know most about the issues? #1 Candidate - Ron Paul @ 53%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 47%
Who had the best one-liner or comeback? #1 Candidate - Ron Paul @ 37%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 63%
Who had the most disappointing performance at the debate? #1 Candidate - Rudy Guliani @ 29%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 71%
Whose performance was most surprising? #1 Candidate - Ron Paul @ 34%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 66%
Whose campaign got the biggest boost from the debate? #1 Candidate - Ron Paul @ 49%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 51%
Who was the snappiest dresser? #1 Candidate - Mitt Romney @ 49%
- The other
9 candidates share the remaining 51%
Oh... and I already know...for those out there that sing the same song every time....
When the other guys beat Ron Paul out it is proof he doesn't have a chance.
When Ron Paul beats the other guys it is some sort of a fluke.
Go Ron Paul Go...
To see the results I show above you have to
click here and vote on all 7 questions and then they will show the results