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Old 09-13-2013, 05:54 PM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY View Post
Originally Posted by PastorTLArt
In keeping with the Admins wishes that I not speak about my lifestyle and I not promote an "agenda", I will answer any question anyone has but I will only answer it in a private message, I will not post anything that deals with my personal life or my beliefs in this matter on the open forum.

If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss an issue please feel free to send me a private on here or just request my e-mail addy and I will take my answers totally out of the forum.

Thanks and Blessings

If this is true he is not an Apostolic friend but a sinner on his way to Hell if he does not repent and abandon his lifestyle .

Was TLArt looking for recruits?

Good grief.
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Old 09-13-2013, 06:03 PM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by MarcBee View Post
Does anyone here know someone who believes they have been "delivered" by the power of God from lifelong homosexuality? Not speaking of someone who got experimental then repented, but a former hardcore who now is not gay?

Last I heard, there aren't any verifiable cases apart from those speaking "by faith" and of course "behaving themselves".....thus far.

Sincerely asking the above, but of course I'm coming from a position (who isn't.) In recent years I've changed to believe that some people are born gay. Yes, environment has great effect too. But in general gay is not something ones chooses to be. Chooses to DO, yes, but chooses to "be", no. (Please don't take this to suppose I think homosexuality is compatible with the Bible, OT or NT. Pretty clear it isn't.)
No. I have known people that chose God over engaging in the acts associated with it though.

Im not sure anyone gets delivered any more than I get delivered from being attracted to women, even married ones.

BTW most gays I have known had at least some attraction for the opposite sex.---------
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Old 09-13-2013, 06:09 PM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

If you want to discuss with him about his being gay or what God will do please ask him in PM. Ok?

The day people stop complaining about these kinds of topics you can discuss it here in public and I wont have to delete, move, edit or close threads like this.
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Old 09-13-2013, 06:10 PM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
No. I have known people that chose God over engaging in the acts associated with it though.

Im not sure anyone gets delivered any more than I get delivered from being attracted to women, even married ones.

BTW most gays I have known had at least some attraction for the opposite sex.---------
Interesting, how an outlaw biker club has a funny way of causing young prospects to be delivered from looking at other members property, especially the married ones. Seems Godly fear sometimes isn't enough, but an ax handle always places a good fear of contusions, and compound fractures. therefore causes men to look the right way, and not to stare (or oogle) someone else's woman.
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Old 09-14-2013, 10:30 AM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

I don't know of any off hand. I don't know how someone can be "delivered" from something they are born with, something that is as much of a person psyche and who they are as them being a man or a women. I can't be "dlivered" from being a man anymore than I can be delivered from being straight...
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Old 09-14-2013, 10:51 AM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by PastorTLArt View Post
I would like to put my 2 cents in if I may, I highlighted and emboldened a statement above that I would like to touch on.

I guess its about time I say where I stand on the whole "homosexual" issue, since I seem to chime in a lot when a thread has something to do with the topic.

I guess I will go ahead and come out of my closet on the board, I am a gay man, and YES I was "born this way" if that's what you want to call it. I have had nothing in my past to "make" me gay, I didn't wake up one morning and "choose" to be gay, I just have always had an attraction to the same gender, I noticed it very early on in life. I was raised in a very strict home, I was raised as a typical "guy" I played sports, I played with boy toys, I listened to preachers decry "gays" from the pulpit, I had it deeply embedded from a very young age that homosexuality was wrong.

I fought with my feelings for many years, I spent countless hours on my face before God begging Him to change me. I sought help, I even endured preachers trying to cast the "spirit of homosexuality" out of me.

I did everything right, I prayed, I pleaded, I fasted, I cried out, and finally after many years, GOD CHANGED ME!!!! No, he didn't make me heterosexual, he didn't change my orientation, he didn't take away my desires, but He let me understand that He LOVES ME just the way HE created me!

Since that day, the day I became real with God, He has been so real to me.
I know that 99.9% of you will disagree with me, but You are not me, you haven't walked in my shoes, so you cannot even touch me with your doubts.

I know that I am accepted by my Father and I know that I am living in His will for my life, I am living out my calling and I am reaching people for the kingdom that most "pentecostals" would rather throw away.

I know that My Lord is able to keep me unto the day of redemption, I praise the Lord that I have been born again, my sins were washed away when I went down in His name over 20 years ago and I know that I was confirmed as His child when He baptized me in the precious Holy Ghost!!

I am open to talking with anyone, the bible admonishes us to "reason together".

Thank you for hearing my weigh in on the topic and May God bless all of you!

Now, If you want to burn me at the stake, you will just be sending me Home to be with Jesus sooner, and if you want to ban me from the board then that's your right, but at least let me know first!!!

Your Fellow-servant in the harvest,
Pastor TLART
Well done sir... I am glad you decided to talk about this publically.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
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Old 09-14-2013, 11:06 AM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by llambert View Post
Finally, aren't there some people who post on here who were once attracted to the same sex and are now completely heterosexual? I seem to remember reading someone writing about this awhile back. There are probably people like this in our churches, but they may not feel led to share their testimonies publically. If you pray and ask around, God will lead you to these people who are right there in the church.

Homosexuality is a very heated issue and any discussion of it can bring up a lot of pain on all sides. It seems to me that if we're going to discuss it, we should refrain from sarcasm, assumption, coarse joking, accusation/blame and really listen to what each other is saying. To me if we can't yet have that kind of gracious and mature discussion on the topic, we should refrain from posting and just pray and ask God to guide us in how to listen and speak.
There are people on here that post that at one time were attracted to their same sex. I am not referring to me. I have however posted in the past about things I went through in my life and how an ex of mine and her family wanted me to help out another family member of theirs get out of a same-sex relationship that person was in. I was conflicted about it and finally told them I couldn't do it because of my feelings about homosexuality not being sinful.

When I posted about all of this before I had man PM's from people on here at the time telling me about their former or hidden sexual dealings with people of their same sex. I was amazed how many people reached out to me. I'd never tell anyone who wrote me either. I will say I was shocked a bit though because some of them were/are very mcuh against it and would post rant after rant in an anti-gay manner... it was astounding. However, I still supported them and loved them. Great convos came from them and even some good friendships too. God loves us all, we should love everyone too...
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
Old 09-14-2013, 01:22 PM
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
No. I have known people that chose God over engaging in the acts associated with it though.

Im not sure anyone gets delivered any more than I get delivered from being attracted to women, even married ones.

BTW most gays I have known had at least some attraction for the opposite sex.---------
Absolutely. Just look how many (nearly all) male hair stylists are gay as well as how many fashion designers are. They will go on and on about how beautiful a particular woman is (and mean it). They just don't feel any personal sexual attraction to them. Shoot, even I can recognize a handsome man when I see one -usually with an ever so small bit of jealousy, yet have ZERO desire for any <shudder> sex with them. I don't even like touching other guys. A handshake is all I can handle, barely. LOL
Old 09-14-2013, 02:28 PM
llambert llambert is offline
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Re: My First Gay Thread

[QUOTE=Jack Shephard;1275502]There are people on here that post that at one time were attracted to their same sex. I am not referring to me. I have however posted in the past about things I went through in my life and how an ex of mine and her family wanted me to help out another family member of theirs get out of a same-sex relationship that person was in. I was conflicted about it and finally told them I couldn't do it because of my feelings about homosexuality not being sinful.

When I posted about all of this before I had man PM's from people on here at the time telling me about their former or hidden sexual dealings with people of their same sex. I was amazed how many people reached out to me. I'd never tell anyone who wrote me either. I will say I was shocked a bit though because some of them were/are very mcuh against it and would post rant after rant in an anti-gay manner... it was astounding. However, I still supported them and loved them. Great convos came from them and even some good friendships too. God loves us all, we should love everyone too...[/QUOTE

Sometimes the people who are the most reactionary and rant the most are the ones who are suffering firsthand. They've been hurt so much in life, they'll do anything to never be hurt again.

But God tabernacled Himself in flesh as the man Christ Jesus to

- bring liberty to the captive

- restore sight to the blind

- heal the brokenheared

Private prayers and private messages are a more appropriate place for deliverance and healings to occur.

I found this site interesting:

Peter Heck's "The most discriminated against group":


Also this:

Old 09-14-2013, 03:21 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: My First Gay Thread

Originally Posted by llambert View Post
Sometimes the people who are the most reactionary and rant the most are the ones who are suffering firsthand. They've been hurt so much in life, they'll do anything to never be hurt again.

But God tabernacled Himself in flesh as the man Christ Jesus to

- bring liberty to the captive

- restore sight to the blind

- heal the brokenheared

Private prayers and private messages are a more appropriate place for deliverance and healings to occur.

I found this site interesting:

Peter Heck's "The most discriminated against group":


Also this:

I agree strongly with both points here.
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