Originally Posted by hometown guy
Does not sound like it is of God to me. Reminds me of some kind of Psychic hotline.
Well, the whole forum is like a psychic hotline. lol
I'm not waxing too religious yet. However, I really felt the Lord when I looked at the woman's picture. I prayed for God to open up the spiritual and allow me to see if there was anything about her that I could offer. What I wrote is what I felt. I wrote it in a rather tame manner so as to not freak her out. She's not expecting a Pentecostal lay minister to read her mail there and recruit her to join a church. I want to respect that. When I saw the image of a church with open doors I got really excited. She stated that she believed in God and was thinking about going back to church. That's a good start for her journey. I might let her know that I too am a believer in the hopes that she realizes that God is talking to her.
I'm definitely in enemy territory. And please understand... I'd have jumped at a Christian site that encouraged the use and perfecting of spiritual gifts in an active manner. Please say a prayer for me. Who knows... maybe God has plans for someone there. For the record, my profile reads "Christian: Spirit Filled".