I'm taking this out of the "Mistakes backsliders make" thread so I can follow it while doi-I mean avoiding homework.
Steadfast said "This post alone shows us the absolute need to get newer converts into serious teachings about the operation of the Spirit, spiritual sensitivity and understanding spiritual gifts. It should be done as soon as their feet find 'sure ground' in the Church.
What a sad situation, Ferd. One that I've seen played out various times.
Thanks for the post..."
So, let's talk about spiritual gifts. What are they? Who's qualified to operate in them and how do you know if you are? How do you know which ones you have? Anyone have some definitions and examples of their operation?
Steadfast, what should new converts be taught? And why do you feel it's so important? I know the story you're referring to is what you were saying here, but are there other reasons in your opinion and what are they?
I've heard and read multiple conflicting opinions about these things (a really long time ago...nothing recently, I've heard *nothing* recently..heh). I've also experienced some...interesting...things. I relate mightily with the guy who ran out of the church in the other thread. I also have a unique twist thrown in. These gifts are mirrored quite nicely in witchcraft, and I practiced them there as well as in the church before I left (a long time ago..lol). At this time I'm trying to sort out Truth from not truth from reality from which side of the coin things fall on.
So...I guess this is a start of a basically directionless thread. lol
Experiences? Stories? Thoughts? Bible studies? Let's have 'em.