Ordinarily when I hear or read about "the gifts of the Spirit" they are limited to the nine that are mentioned in
1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Specifically these are:
word of wisdom
word of knowledge
gifts of healing
working of miracles
discerning of spirits
interpretation of tongues.
These are some times broken down into three neat little packages of three each as follows:
1. Revelation Gifts (knowing) or thinking like Jesus (knowledge, wisdom, discernment)
2. Power Gifts (doing) acting like Jesus (faith, miracles, healings)
3. Vocal Gifts (speaking) talking like Jesus (tongues, interpretation, prophecy)
But, later in that same chapter in verses 28-30 other gifts are mentioned such as:
Then there are other gifts listed in
Romans 12:6-8 and in
Ephesians 4:11
The gifts listed in
Ephesians 4:11 are
Apostles who govern
Prophets who guide
Evangelists who gather
Pastors who guard
Teachers who ground
The gifts listed in
Romans 12 are:
prophecy (speak out)
ministry or serving (help out)
teaching (live out)
exhortation or encouraging (work out)
giving (give out)
ruling or administration or leadership (lead out)
showing mercy (love out)
Some differentiate between these 3 lists as follows:
1. Motivational Gifts given by God as Father and listed in
Romans 12:6-8
2. Ministry Gifts given by God as Son and listed in
Ephesians 4:11
3. Manifestation Gifts given by God as Holy Spirit and listed in
1 Corinthians 12:8-10
some questions:
-how many gifts are there?
-are these lists just examples of some gifts and are there others not mentioned here?
-are these gifts still available to us in 2010 AD?
-does every child of God have at least one of these gifts?
-are gifts resident in believers or does God just drop them into a life when a certain gift is needed?
-can a believer have more than one gift or maybe all of the gifts?
-is prophecy more important since we are told to "desire" that gift in
1 Corinthians 14:1 and we are told to "covet" (desire earnestly, or be eager, or strongly desire) to prophesy in
1 Corinthians 14:39?
-do you pray for God to give you gifts or use you in the gifts?
-what gifts do you have or manifest?