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Old 07-19-2008, 12:30 PM
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Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto

Originally Posted by Pastor Poster View Post
1. I think PO, Ron, Carp, and others want this thread closed to protect their hateful little ultracon friends.

2. I am really sick of the same whiney posters blaming Daniel for every ill in the entire universe! People, get a grip and pray through.

3. The tar baby comment was a racial slur and I don't like it one bit.

4. This thread should be stickied so that every visitor can see what many of us have been saying for years. Namely, this group of men are twisted.
I love the tar baby clip because I have the books and used to read it to my kids. I do all the voices! lol I wasn't making fun of Dan, although he does kind of remind me of Brer Rabbit.

A portion in the clip says, "He's going to get into trouble some day."

I agree with that, mainly, because I think it's wrong to talk about people who are not here to defend themselves. We have so many other interesting things to talk about other than - other people. Is this the kind of reputation we want as a Forum? In my family we call that, "Acting like white trash."

Totally different than discussing things privately with a close confidant. We all do that when something is bothering us, but publicly - no.

We can engage with Daniel because he is here to defend himself. I don't dislike Daniel. I just don't agree with the way he goes about doing things.

I don't agree with they way you go about doing things either. I do know you can post some really valuable things you contemplate and mull over in your brain.

Now, how it talking about the way people handle themselves or their churches going to change anything? If you can't talk to the person to their face, then why do it here? If you can't change them by talking to their face, then why talk about it at all? That's all I'm saying.

BTW, you comment on me wanting to protect the "ultra-con" - My allegiance is not with any organization or group of people. My allegiance stands, fully, in Jesus Christ and in His will - whereever He directs me to serve Him is where I will stay.

Peace, PP

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