Originally Posted by Aquila
Chide me if you like... But if you truly look at it objectively... I'm telling the truth.
I can't take this conversation seriously, let alone be objective to its weird content.
Originally Posted by Aquila
The utterance could have said, "Yea I say this is He whose words are written in the Good Book!"
Or the utterance could have said,
"yea I say this is he who is sick and tired of people claiming I'm the one making the ridiculous statements when they have a message in tongues."
Originally Posted by Aquila
We'd know that the Spirit meant.
Good grief man.
Originally Posted by Aquila
It isn't uncommon for God to condescend to our level and speak in our vernacular to clarify what He desires to say.
Really? Oh, so I guess when a sister stood up and said
"thus saith the Lord, my people my people I love your worship, and Bubba happy birthday."
Or how about
"thus saith the Lord, my people my people I love your worship, and merry Xmas."
Come on already, are we going to debate this sort of foolishness?
Originally Posted by Aquila
I don't know... maybe what I'm trying to say is too deep for you to understand and give me credit on.
Yeah, so very deep, that a good set of waders should be employed.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Perhaps we should let it go and vote that the Spirit should only be believed if it speaks in the King James English using a 1611 vernacular and lots of vibrato.
Once had a woman brought forth a message in a high screeching voice, it scared the children, caused the saints to raise an eyebrow, and sent the visitors walking towards the sanctuary exit.