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Michael The Disciple 09-12-2014 05:34 PM

Deep Apostolic Teachers?
Are there any out there? Whenever I see a video of an Apostolic Preacher/Teacher it very rarely makes me actually want to watch it. Usually some hollering and an idea that the crowd is supposed to get behind them.

Any recommended video or even audio where there is deep teaching? Or even just sound teaching?

Evang.Benincasa 09-12-2014 05:57 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple (Post 1335184)
Are there any out there? Whenever I see a video of an Apostolic Preacher/Teacher it very rarely makes me actually want to watch it. Usually some hollering and an idea that the crowd is supposed to get behind them.

Any recommended video or even audio where there is deep teaching? Or even just sound teaching?

Are you a deep Apostolic teacher?

Michael The Disciple 09-12-2014 06:40 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa (Post 1335185)
Are you a deep Apostolic teacher?

Yes but I can hear me anytime. I wish there were deeper "Apostolic" teachers.

KeptByTheWord 09-12-2014 07:15 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?
I enjoy listening to KP Yohannan, from Gospel for Asia, when I can. I don't know what all he doctrinally believes, but his messages deeply touch me.

KeptByTheWord 09-12-2014 07:19 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?
To Live is Christ!


Michael The Disciple 09-12-2014 07:47 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord (Post 1335195)
I enjoy listening to KP Yohannan, from Gospel for Asia, when I can. I don't know what all he doctrinally believes, but his messages deeply touch me.

You know I remember hearing something from that group and thinking I wanted to know what they believe. I will check it out tomorrow.

PastorTLArt 09-12-2014 08:14 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?
Im the Apostolic Charles Stanley. I cant stand too much "hackin and snortin" I LOVE MEAT!!!

Lafon 09-12-2014 08:30 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by PastorTLArt (Post 1335203)
Im the Apostolic Charles Stanley. I cant stand too much "hackin and snortin" I LOVE MEAT!!!


FlamingZword 09-12-2014 08:51 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple (Post 1335187)
Yes but I can hear me anytime. I wish there were deeper "Apostolic" teachers.

When you say deeper Apostolic preachers are you talking about those who can debate for years on the finer points of Calvinist predestination?

Is it like the preacher who took four years to teach the book of Ephesians?

When you said deeper Apostolic preachers
I just have this image of old scholarly folks, in a dusty room, opening gut busting size books and then endlessly droning on for hours about the correct pronunciation of some esoteric Hebrew or Greek word. :heeheehee

Evang.Benincasa 09-12-2014 09:15 PM

Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword (Post 1335205)
When you say deeper Apostolic preachers are you talking about those who can debate for years on the finer points of Calvinist predestination?

Is it like the preacher who took four years to teach the book of Ephesians?

When you said deeper Apostolic preachers
I just have this image of old scholarly folks, in a dusty room, opening gut busting size books and then endlessly droning on for hours about the correct pronunciation of some esoteric Hebrew or Greek word. :heeheehee

Now that was extremely humorous.

You do alright for a Bacon Hater. :thumbsup

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