Back to what we know for a fact what JA said...
"Well, if you got a bunch of hell and chaos and crisis in your church after 3 years being there, it's your fault."
I've been going over and over this in my mind, and talking about it with friends in and out of the UPC. At first glance it does appear to be a bad statement. I've even said I don't really agree with it...IF that's in fact what was said. Again, this is what JA says was said, who knows what, if any, embellishment he made or what he didn't include which may have been said to put it in proper context.
I like what MissBrattified posted:
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
I have a feeling it has to do with making pastors take responsibility when their congregations aren't "healthy" instead of pointing fingers at the constituents. That's an important concept for any leader, and deserves exploration at a conference like BOTT.
I totally agree with this. Now, this analysis may be wrong - we haven't heard SG's message - but it's certainly plausible.
Using what JA claimed was said, "Well, if you got a bunch of hell and chaos and crisis in your church after 3 years being there, it's your fault."
Maybe it is something the Pastor is or isn't doing. Are Pastors 100% right all the time, and perfect in their role? Of course not. Yet, IMO, JA is suggestion this very thing: Pastors are always right, saints/sinners are always wrong.
That's not true. There are some Pastors who are the cause of their church's "hell, chaos, and crisis." It's easy for Pastors like JA to point the finger and condemn the saint/sinner for the problems in their church, when really the problem could be with them.
Then again, I could just be an idiot who needs brain surgery...