Originally Posted by n david
 "POA is kind of like DC or maybe the Illuminati."
They didn't keep DA from posting the video on YouTube...didn't keep TFT and others on Twitter from making statements about it. There is no way POA is powerful enough to keep people from tweeting about it. Look, some people are trying to defend JA's comment against SG. I doubt he'd have any kind of support if he really said what DA and The Lounge are claiming he said.
Think about what you're posting here. You're claiming that POA would be a willing participant in covering up a hugely racist statement (ALLEGED) made on its platform by a speaker at its conference.
As for the claims against LS...rubbish. There wasn't a cover up there.
DA was asked to take it down by a member of the UPC... I'm not certain if it is someone from POA. But they are attempting to make it silent. I am not suggesting that they are covering a racial remark. I was talking about the cover up of the idiot stuff. To my knowledge there isn't video of him saying the racist stuff. I am just telling you what I was told.
With regard to LS... it wasn't about a cover up insomuch as no one ever truly questioned the situation. It went away... it could have been a lie all along, but it might not have been. Who knows.