Political Correctness - Must Read to Believe
This past summer while I was in Los Angeles and San Diego I had a chance meeting with an award winning author. He and I were both looking for a transit train to the same place. We struck up a friendship and spent some time together at an event which led to us becoming facebook friends.
He seemed like the typical "creative" type you find in Los Angeles. Super fit, diamond earring in one ear, vegan or vegetarian (I forget which) and gets up just about every morning at 3:30 am to go surfing in the ocean. He also rides bicycles for long distances.
In the first few minutes of conversation I found out that he was married and has teenage children as well as some common entertainment interest we shared. During our time together we shared contact information and became facebook friends.
I thought to myself that once he gets home and reads my posts on FB and finds out I am a conservative Republican he will probably unfriend me. Much to my surprise a couple of weeks later I got a private message from him on FB telling me he was surprised and pleased to see we share the same "political bent"! I was shocked.
A few days ago I received an invitation from him to join a secret facebook group. I did as I was curious to see what it was about since you cannot tell from the group name (it is a code name similar to alocholics having "Friends of Bill" meetings.).
This group consists of friends of his in Southern California mostly who are "closeted" conservatives / Republicans. Reading the posts are astounding. It is like reading a secret group in a communist country where one does not have freedom of speech in their real life.
These people's jobs, friendships, and social status are all at risk if their political views become known publicly. It is just unbelievable.
One woman posted a picture of a decorative pillow she bought her husband and daughter a few years ago that features the Republican logo. She said they keep in on the couch then hide it if company is coming over.
My friend is working on a project involving a revered entertainment figure in his 80's and part of the project had my friend and his partner on the project visiting the subjects home. There they saw Republican memorabralia and pictures of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, etc. After they left my friends project partner sent him a message about how horrified he was to find this person was a Republican. My friend decided to come clean and told the project partner that he too was a Republican. After a long shocked pause his project partner finally told him he was "still his friend". As if one's political views should affect a friendship.
It is scary just how politically correct parts of our country have become and not just in a irritating way but in a way that effects ones job security, friendships, etcc.
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"
Titus2woman on AFF
"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.
"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.
"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."
Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"