Political correctness has destroyed Europe.
In England:
Nine men were jailed in Britain last week for raping and abusing dozens of girls aged as young as 13 over a period of several years in the northern town of Rochdale. The men plied the girls with drink and drugs before assaulting them, in a practice known by the appalling euphemism of “grooming.” One girl was raped by 20 men in one night; another had an abortion after becoming pregnant by one of her attackers. Police are trying to track down other victims of the gang, and are hunting up to 40 more suspects.
The race of the gang members themselves isn’t an issue, but their religion and associated cultural attitudes, and the racism that these foster, are. The fact that in this case, as in previous ones, the perpetrators were Muslims, and from parts of the world where extremist forms of that religion hold sway — eight of the Rochdale gang were of Pakistan origin and the ninth was an Afghan — has absolutely everything to do with the case, and it’s just one uncomfortable aspect that liberals don’t want to confront.
Another is the fact that politically correct attitudes to all things “racial” among the relevant authorities meant the victims’ ordeals went on for years longer than might have been the case. Many of the victims were from broken homes and under the supervision of social workers, but when they reported abuse to their carers, the police and prosecutors failed to act because, it’s claimed, they were “
petrified of being called racist.”
Nearly 400 British girls as young as eleven are believed to have been sexually exploited by Muslim rape gangs in Oxfordshire over the past 15 years, according to a chilling new report. It charges local officials with repeatedly ignoring the abuse due to a "culture of denial."
* "I turned up at the police station at 2/3am, blood all over me, soaked through my trousers to the crotch. They dismissed it as me being naughty, a nuisance." — Victim's testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
* "I made a complaint about a man who trafficked me from a children's home. He was arrested, released and trafficked me again." — Victim's testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
* "Police wouldn't tell us addresses so we could go and bring her home." — Victim's parent's testimony, Oxfordshire Serious Case Review.
* Local authorities across Britain are expending "considerable intellectual effort" into finding reasons not to conduct mandatory public investigations into child sexual abuse out of a fear of "negative publicity." — The Telegraph.
* "Systemic failures have been condoned with silence, serial bunglers rewarded with promotion and whistle blowers shunned. Why is anything going to change now, after the event(s)?" — Simon Kent, British commentator.
Compliments of Political Correctness.
If these evil men were Christians what would have happened?
Would the Political Correct crowd hide their religious affiliation?
If they were white would they have hidden their race?
The answers are self-evident. IF they were white or Christian or Catholic their religious affiliation and race would have been blasted across the media. There would be no end of "Special Reports" about lunatic fringes and how terrible they are. Christianity or Catholicism would have been ruthlessly and mercilessly attacked.
Not so with Islam. When Muslims create atrocities the Political Correct crowd say they are not Islam. This is no surprise. It has historical significance.
When the Muslims invaded Syria, A Byzantine (Christian nation) territory, it was called an Arab invasion.
When the Moors invaded Spain it was a "Moorish" invasion.
When the Turks invaded Europe it was a Turkish invasion.
This is what the West called these incidents.
They were ALL MUSLIM invasion and THEY called these invasions - Jihad.
When the Barbary Pirates attack US shipping they were called derisively pirates.
They were in FACT Muslims performing Jihad.
When Muslim rape gangs systematically abuse hundreds, thousands and some have suggested a million young girls, some as young as eleven years old, they are not Muslims...
The OIC - Organization for Islamic Cooperation - is an organization dedicated to the spread of Islam. Its leadership is formed by the leaders of the 57 Muslim nations. This organization created a 10 year plan in 2005.
Found here:
They say they want to:
Endeavour to spread the correct ideas about Islam as a religion of moderation and tolerance in order to fortify Muslims against extremism and narrow-mindedness. [p. 3]
This is laughable when you look at how religious minorities are treated in their nations.
All religious minorities are persecuted.
When the nation does adopt a law that should protect them it is ignored. Thus, it is meaningless because it is NOT enforced.
It appears that the law was only passed to appease Western criticism. Nothing changed.
Encourage inter-religious dialogue and underline common values and denominators. [p. 4]
They want inter-religious dialogue in Western countries but NOT their own.
Strive for the teaching of Islamic education, culture, civilization, and the jurisprudence and literature of difference; call on Member States to cooperate amongst themselves in order to develop balanced educational curricula that promote values of tolerance, human rights, openness, and understanding of other religions and cultures; reject fanaticism and extremism, and establish pride in the Islamic identity [p.4]
This sounds "good" but what is meant by "human rights"? Does it mean the same thing as it does in the West?
The Cairo Declaration of HUman Rights - an Islamic declaration - states
(a) All human beings form one family whose members are united by their subordination to Allah and descent from Adam. All men are equal in terms of basic human dignity and basic obligations and responsibilities, without any discrimination on the basis of race, colour, language, belief, sex, religion, political affiliation, social status or other considerations.
The true religion is the guarantee for enhancing such dignity along the path to human integrity.
Sounds good right?
Islam is the religion of true unspoiled nature. It is prohibited to exercise any form of pressure on man or to exploit his poverty or ignorance in order to force him to change his religion to another religion or to atheism.
Interesting that NO pressure can be used to convert a Muslim. This means NO evangelization of Muslims in any form. However, THEY can exert pressure to force conversion into Islam.
Everyone shall have the right to enjoy the fruits of his scientific, literary, artistic or technical labour of which he is the author; and he shall have the right to the protection of his moral and material interests stemming therefrom, provided it is not contrary to the principles of the Shari’ah.
Ooopppsss... No freedom of expression here. It is based upon Shariah Law. Just in case there is any DOUBT about these so-called "Human Rights" being subject to Islamic Law:
The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration.
When the OIC or ANY Islamic organization talks about freedom of expression or human rights it is ALWAYS within the context of Shariah Law. It NEVER has a Western connotation to it.
When the OIC states:
Develop balanced educational curricula that promote values of tolerance, human rights, openness, and understanding of other religions and cultures; reject fanaticism and extremism, and establish pride in the Islamic identity .
It states this WITHIN the context of Shariah Law.
When they state:
VII. Combating Islamophobia
1. Emphasize the responsibility of the international community, including all governments, to ensure respect for all religions and combat their defamation.
Respect for all religions in Islamic terms means Blasphemy Laws that will make it illegal to call Muhammad a pedophile. The truth does not matter. What matters is whether or not it offends Islam. If it does they want it to be illegal.
2. Affirm the need to counter Islamophobia, through
the establishment of an observatory at the OIC General Secretariat to monitor all forms of Islamophobia, issue an annual report thereon, and ensure cooperation with the relevant Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in order to counter Islamophobia.
This was in 2005. When the term Islamophobia was introduced to the world. It was introduced by the OIC to stifle the truth. As can be demonstrated over and over, it has been fairly successful.
3. Endeavor to have the United Nations adopt an international resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishments.
The OIC has been and will continue to push for Blasphemy Laws to silence Islamic criticism. For Example:
Saudi Arabia is calling on every nation to implement a global blasphemy law to criminalize any act that defames religious beliefs and symbols of faith.
Living in fear under Pakistan's blasphemy law
In Pakistan, 17 people are on death row for blasphemy, and dozens more have been extrajudicially murdered.
4. Initiate a structured and sustained dialogue in order to project the true values of Islam and empower Muslim countries to help in the war against extremism and terrorism.
I sense self-preservation here. The Islamic rulers want to keep the status quo. They want the West to be open to Islam but they refuse to allow the same level of openness in their own kingdoms. This is because for them Human Rights are based upon the Koran and Hadiths.
IF Islamic nations want to be taken seriously about religious freedom they should start at home. Until then THEY are hypocrites.