Back in the 1990's, the Toronto and Pensacola nonsense was in full swing, similar to the Babbling nonsense at Azusa Street. Today, the empty excesses of Azusa Street, Toronto, and Pensacola are gone, just a weak memory, having accomplished no beneficial lasting effect within Christendom. Part of Christendom had become Christendumb.
Where are those proud, active, talkative pulpit clowns who told people to "Just Let Go!"? Where is the fruit of that ministry? Where is the imperative from Scripture for wild abandonment to be part of Godliness? If they are anywhere, they are off in a corner trying to "revive" the Good Old Times Of
The 1990's. Lol.
Phoney ideologies and useless practices so easily spring from poorly educated, Scripturally ignorant, and badly Pastored churches. Here is the relevant question for you:
What does Azusa St., Toronto, and Pensacola say about Pentecostalism?