It's something I hope and pray one day will happen, but I doubt the leaders of these orgs are capable of uniting and overcoming the barriers that separate us. Pessimism or realism? Idk.
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand. (Romans 14:4)
Scripture is its own interpreter. Nothing can cut a diamond but a diamond. Nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture" Thomas Watson.
I had the honor of doing a little work in conjunction with a few of the summits. It is an annual event that has been happening at high levels of leadership for a few years now. The spirit of the event and the actions being discussed and coordinated would cause me to answer Sam's question with a "yes". I personally think it is a tremendous thing.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Very intetesting. Does anybody other than stewie have any information about these "summits"? Are they trying to achieve anything in particular or is it just a forum for the different Oneness org.'s to maintain contact?
__________________ "I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"
Titus2woman on AFF
"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.
"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.
"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."
Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
Very intetesting. Does anybody other than stewie have any information about these "summits"? Are they trying to achieve anything in particular or is it just a forum for the different Oneness org.'s to maintain contact?
It's more than a point of contact. It's pretty much about building and strengthening relationships, working together in practical ways, pooling ideas and resources, and making sure we're doing all we can do to spread the Apostolic message nationally and globally. It is not just a ceremonial thing but very practical. I, for one, think it is great and the time is right.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois