Originally Posted by Apocrypha
Didnt they just all make themselves bishops in the new WPF? Why the need to tighten the circle even more? Its there ever a point when they "Declare" victory? All my UPC friends I talk with who are moderate would possibly somewhere else if there were a real alternative (other than Global, which they all seem to be watching) and it didn't make them a pariah among their network of minister friends.
I guess this only proves that "conservative" and "liberal" are all relative. When the UC's leave, there become new "UC's" to take their turf. In the WPF, some of those who were "UC's" are now liberals. That's what happens when we all compare ourselves to each other.
In the larger scope of Christianity, Pentecostalism, particularly Classical Pentecostalism is pretty "ultra-conservative" AND "ultra-progressive."
I agree that many are looking for options. But there are truly plenty. Global is en vogue right now. But many of these guys are theologically not even on course with Global. They want something "just like the UPC" except for a few exterior matters. Kind of silly to jump ship for that I guess. For others, leaving is easier... it's an entire paradigm shift, something far beyond negotiating or living with.