Just what exactly is THE knowledge of good and evil? I know that it's the ability to tell the difference. We wouldn't have had the difference without the rules (commandments) What I'm asking is--what is the knowledge? Was it that we have the ability to lie? In the garden of Eden we would only have known good and the truth. How did we know what was evil until God gave us the rules and told us what evil was? The only evil that we would have been aware of was that we were to be obedient to God. The was the only rule. When we ate of the tree of knowledge, what was the knowledge we gained? Did we learn that not only can we make our own decisions but we can lie--God cannot lie, he can only tell the truth.
When we were in the garden of Eden and God walked among us--was this heaven? Did we get ejected from heaven? Are we fallen angels? Is this why the devil thinks he has a right to us? Are we the fallen angels--the one-third of heaven that fell? Did God wipe our memories and then remake us into something less than the angels we were?
I think that this describes our
development of a forebrain, stated
in terms so as not to offend "creationists,"
(meaning so as not to remove a perceived dichotomy)
who seem to deny God in any work not
miraculous or instantaneous.
Just what exactly is THE knowledge of good and evil? I know that it's the ability to tell the difference. We wouldn't have had the difference without the rules (commandments) What I'm asking is--what is the knowledge? Was it that we have the ability to lie? In the garden of Eden we would only have known good and the truth. How did we know what was evil until God gave us the rules and told us what evil was? The only evil that we would have been aware of was that we were to be obedient to God. The was the only rule. When we ate of the tree of knowledge, what was the knowledge we gained? Did we learn that not only can we make our own decisions but we can lie--God cannot lie, he can only tell the truth.
When we were in the garden of Eden and God walked among us--was this heaven? Did we get ejected from heaven? Are we fallen angels? Is this why the devil thinks he has a right to us? Are we the fallen angels--the one-third of heaven that fell? Did God wipe our memories and then remake us into something less than the angels we were?
We are not angels nor were we in the Pleasant Garden save in the loins of the the seminal man, ADAM [man].
The Knowledge of Good and Evil fell upon the consciouseness of humanity's parents when partaking of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Ge 3:5-7
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
This subject as with a multitude of other subjects finds no universal consensus. One Christian scholar [deceased] has posited the parents detected a bodily change in their constitution upon the ingesting of the forbidden fruit. After all, it had been stated that upon the eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would be the day they should begin their journey into dissolution and eventually, death of the body.
Would not a perfect specimen of full and robust health acknowledge a change in bodily condition, heretofore unknown to them? It would seem so. It has been said that perfect health cannot "feel" the body which explains the pleasure of the drug induced euphoric state of being. The desire to escape "self."
Also there is the moral and the spiritual essence of disobedience but that would require an acceptance of foregone admission of disobedience. The will to rebel against the commandment of God in the matter of the the eating of the fruit of the prohibited tree necessarily demands a "free will" in this particular case. Something once lost can never be recovered. The original parents could not recover their original condition before the Sovereign of the Universe having been denied access to the Tree of Life. Only a slow decline of mind and matter awaited them. Cast out of the garden into the reality of sweat and pain of child bearing until the earth reclaimed them. 'Dust thou art and to dust shalt thou return.'
What is the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL?
Surely they had accurate knowledge of the GOOD.
Perfect health.
Uninterrupted fellowship with the Creator.
A future of endless life upon absolute obedience
The prospect of an extensive family
Access to the Tree of Life which was doubtlessly the panacea of all ills
But the knowledge of the EVIL now also was theirs to know and regret.
Pain in child bearing
Drudgery of work
Earning of bread by the sweat of the brow
Fear and trembling on every side as beset Israel with their many enemies
Non interuppted access to the Creator, sin blocked that continual access
Finally, Paradise Lost. Death of the entity, the grave and sorrow.
The knowledge of EVIL is all that beset the seminal parents AND their many billions of progeny even to this present hour. The ever present knowledge and fear of the death of the body. The rending of the spirit from the tabernacle in which the spirit resides. Every hour one lives speaks of that eventually moment in which that knowledge will over take us. Only those who are alive and remain unto the PAROUSIA of King Yeshua will not see death.
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.
Last edited by samuelofisrael; 07-15-2012 at 06:32 AM.
I think the knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of DO'S AND DON'TS.
It is seeking to know all that is good in order to do good in our fleshly power, and seeking to know all that is evil in order to avoid it in our fleshly power. IT IS ESSENTIALLY LAW KEEPING.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
I think the knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of DO'S AND DON'TS.
It is seeking to know all that is good in order to do good in our fleshly power, and seeking to know all that is evil in order to avoid it in our fleshly power. IT IS ESSENTIALLY LAW KEEPING.
I think the knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of DO'S AND DON'TS.
It is seeking to know all that is good in order to do good in our fleshly power, and seeking to know all that is evil in order to avoid it in our fleshly power. IT IS ESSENTIALLY LAW KEEPING.
Is that a bad thing?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I think the knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge of DO'S AND DON'TS.
It is seeking to know all that is good in order to do good in our fleshly power, and seeking to know all that is evil in order to avoid it in our fleshly power. IT IS ESSENTIALLY LAW KEEPING.
And the "Tree of Life" is what we get in Jesus. Basically, I'd say that the two trees in the garden were a foreshadow of the OLD and NEW covenants.
One is trying to figure out good and bad (Rom 7)
The other is just plainly having the LIFE of God (Rom 8)
Btw, nice to see you posting again Bro Blume...
...Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ...(Acts 20:21)
Is all the "religion" in the world a bad thing? That is the basically what all the religions espouse, knowledge of good and evil.
It does not work, put it that way.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."