Was the prodigal still a son when he was in the hogpen?
Was he reborn into the family when his father ran to him and embraced him on the road? or was he reborn into the family after he bathed and put on a clean robe? How dead was he when he was in the hogpen? The father said he "was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found."
Did he lose sonship or the benefits of sonship or was he always a son but just living below his potential and privilege?
If that's where you are going with this thread.
There is another experience we call being filled or refilled with the Holy Ghost.
In Acts2:1-4 the apostles were baptized in the Spirit/filled with the Spirit.
Acts 4:8 it says Peter was "filled with the Holy Ghost" as he addressed the leaders.
Acts 4:23-31 the believers gathered together and prayed and it says they "filled with the Holy Ghost" in verse 31. Now, did they lose the Holy Ghost in between those experiences, did He leak out?
Acts 9, Ananias came to Saul in Damascus and laid his hands on him so that he might receive his sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost. We assume this is where he was initially filled with the Spirit or baptized in the Spirit (3 days after his conversion or birth of the Spirit if you are a one-stepper). Traditionally his conversion is dated as January 25, AD 32 so this would have taken place on January 28th. Then in the spring of AD 47 in the island of Cyprus it says in
Acts 13:9 it says that Saul/Paul was filled with the Holy Ghost as he cursed the sorcerer. Again, was he re-filled? re-baptized in the Spirit? re-born of the Spirit? refilled because the Spirit had leaked out? there in
Acts 13
If you were a Baptist, they would tell you there is one baptism but many fillings. How do Pentecostals describe it?