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04-08-2009, 07:13 AM
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Osteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Larry King: Since you were last on, we have sworn in our first African-American president. What are your impressions [of Barack Obama]?
Joel Osteen: Well, I think he's doing a great job. I'm impressed with his skill, his calmness, his just strength under pressure. These are tough times for him.
King: And you, Victoria?
Victoria Osteen: I've been really impressed. In fact, I've been impressed [with] the first lady. She stepped up, and she's done a remarkable job.
King: Do you think that eventually many more states are going to allow same-sex marriage?
Joel Osteen: You know, I don't know where it's all going ... I'd love to see it stay between a male and a female, not knocking anybody else.
King: Supposing there were more states that had it. What would be the harm?
Victoria Osteen: We really want to see marriage between a man and a woman. There [are] going to be people who get together and have relationships and have what they call their families. But I just think marriage should be sanctified by the church. It should be between a man and a woman.
King: Should a gay couple be allowed to adopt?
Joel Osteen: I think that, again, it's best for a male and a female. I'm not saying that gay people aren't good people. ...
King: Or good parents. Watch Larry King's interview with the Osteens »
Joel Osteen: Yeah, exactly. But again, I like to shoot for God's best, and that is a father and a mother in the home. It doesn't always happen. I know a lot of people raised by single parents. And you know what? We bless them and pray for them as well. But I think God's best is a male and female.
I doubt Joel enjoyed having to answer these questions.

04-08-2009, 07:20 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Nice how they used god as a cruch (sp) just tell him rather you think it is right or wrong instead of beatting around the bush...

04-08-2009, 07:21 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
On ONEnews now today there is a clip from Rick Warren, (purpose driven Life) apologizing for his opposition to gay marriage.
Today the biggest sin is being judgemental.
I have read Osteens self help material.
He reminds me of a verse, "Having a form of godliness but denying the powerthereof"
He sure doesn't talk about sumbission and the move of the Holy Ghost.

04-08-2009, 07:27 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by coadie
On ONEnews now today there is a clip from Rick Warren, (purpose driven Life) apologizing for his opposition to gay marriage.
I'd like to see the link on that... Never been a big Warren fan. Liked a couple books, but he's a little like Olsteen.

04-08-2009, 07:32 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by n david
I'd like to see the link on that... Never been a big Warren fan. Liked a couple books, but he's a little like Olsteen.
Regarding doctrine, he was straight down the line baptis surrounding the events of the political debate.
Rick Warren disavows support for Prop. 8
California mega-church pastor Rick Warren says he apologized to his homosexual friends for making comments in support of California's Proposition 8, and now claims he "never once even gave an endorsement" of the marriage amendment.

04-08-2009, 08:25 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by coadie
Regarding doctrine, he was straight down the line baptis surrounding the events of the political debate.
Rick Warren disavows support for Prop. 8
California mega-church pastor Rick Warren says he apologized to his homosexual friends for making comments in support of California's Proposition 8, and now claims he "never once even gave an endorsement" of the marriage amendment.
Unbelievable ... but yet believable. This is the same Pastor that wanted all religious icons removed when he became pastor at Saddleback.
Thanks for the link

04-08-2009, 08:38 AM
Prayerful lives are powerful
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
I honestly don't keep up with this stuff but just reading this thread makes me furious! Where are the real men of God? It seems that when some pastors get just a little stardom, they change and become more liberal. I don't understand why they won't stand up for the word of God. I'm not even talking about preaching hell. Just simply calling sin - sin.

04-08-2009, 08:58 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by MrsMcD
I honestly don't keep up with this stuff but just reading this thread makes me furious! Where are the real men of God? It seems that when some pastors get just a little stardom, they change and become more liberal. I don't understand why they won't stand up for the word of God. I'm not even talking about preaching hell. Just simply calling sin - sin.
The new spirituality. We have had for several generations a hi jacking of truth. The new folks want to call reference to sin as being hate speech. Now no one want s to be accused of hate. This began in great strength when Freud came along and renamed a lot in the name of psychology. It is behavior that can be modified as opposed to sin that needs to stop.
People not filled with the Spirit can't have the strength to call for repentence.

04-08-2009, 10:10 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by n david
Unbelievable ... but yet believable. This is the same Pastor that wanted all religious icons removed when he became pastor at Saddleback.
Thanks for the link
I am not a RW fan by any means.....however, in the interest of truth/fairness, RW did not "become" the pastor of Saddleback....he is the founding pastor, and religious icons of sort are abundant at their campus.
On this issue however, RW is a compromiser on many different fronts, so it is no surprise.

04-08-2009, 10:20 AM
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Re: Olsteen's new interview on Larry King Live
Originally Posted by bishoph
I am not a RW fan by any means.....however, in the interest of truth/fairness, RW did not "become" the pastor of Saddleback....he is the founding pastor, and religious icons of sort are abundant at their campus.
On this issue however, RW is a compromiser on many different fronts, so it is no surprise.
I have been studying Daniel. He was not a compromiser. I suspect a RW ministry has the gays threaten to boycott business belonging to his congregants if he doesn't cave in.
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