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Old 12-13-2007, 02:14 PM
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TBN PROPHETS- Larry King Near death Experience,coming Flu Pandemic & more!


KIM CLEMENT Prophecies LARRY KING will See HEAVEN!!!!!

"America," God says, "Listen, hear the word of the prophet, for some of you have seen what he has spoken and many of them have prophesied. I will shake this nation; the people shall laugh as they have never laughed. I will appear on national television, for it's Mine. I will show Myself to Larry King as the King of kings," says the Lord. "Watch how I touch that man in a time of severe weakness. The millions and millions that watch Larry King will hear a man speak about his experience of going to Heaven."

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Old 12-13-2007, 02:18 PM
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The Spirit of God says, "Please watch over the Christmas season for there will be a specific moment that I will do something on a network which I will not reveal to you now." For the Spirit of God said, "They will speak about Me, then you will say, 'They cannot speak about Christ like this.'" He says, "Do not worry about it. Fear not, I can fight for Myself. Do you know that there will be those who will listen for the first time?" Bill Maher, do you know who that is? God said, "I am preparing to meet him." God said, "Even he can be funny." God says, "He has taken a grip of reality in terms of religion, but he has become bitter and twisted and I am going to go and I will deal with him in a very kindly manner. For I wish to raise up a voice in the Kingdom and that will become a voice that will shout triumph for Christ," says the Lord.
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:21 PM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post


The Spirit of God says, "Please watch over the Christmas season for there will be a specific moment that I will do something on a network which I will not reveal to you now." For the Spirit of God said, "They will speak about Me, then you will say, 'They cannot speak about Christ like this.'" He says, "Do not worry about it. Fear not, I can fight for Myself. Do you know that there will be those who will listen for the first time?" Bill Maher, do you know who that is? God said, "I am preparing to meet him." God said, "Even he can be funny." God says, "He has taken a grip of reality in terms of religion, but he has become bitter and twisted and I am going to go and I will deal with him in a very kindly manner. For I wish to raise up a voice in the Kingdom and that will become a voice that will shout triumph for Christ," says the Lord.
Kim is an idiot and a fake. He's had so many wrong prophecies, I can't believe any body takes him serious. When it doesn't happen, he says God changed his mind.
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:21 PM
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God is sharing secrets with us for 2008. God said, "I've got something to tell America about the huge breakthrough in the month of May on the 60th anniversary of Israel." God said, "There's gonna be declarations and this is what they're going to say: 'Yeshua, Yeshua' in the streets of Jerusalem and they will shout His name out loud! 'Yeshua, Yeshua' in the streets of America. They will shout His name out loud! We will shout His name out loud!"

This album is a few of the prophetic insights that I had regarding the attack on 9/11, the war, the victory, the (more)

"I will bring a surprise upon this Nation beginning in the month of February, so unusual, for you see as I spoke that there is a door that has been opened, a big surprise. Not even the prophets know about it, but they know the day and the time but have been veiled from this final conclusion in the battle against the beast of the East." For God said, "Surprises, February surprises in the month that I will do something between India, Pakistan, Israel and the Lion Nations," says the Lord. "On August the 15th, 1947, India was liberated--the same time Pakistan." And the Spirit of God said, "I shall do something so so unusual in this following year, but I will wait for My Israel to celebrate."
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:27 PM
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Remember Y2K? Most want to forget about it and for good reason--many Christians and many of my prophetic friends predicted something close to the end of the world and nothing happened. For a while, I was the only one who stated that Y2K was not going to be the disaster that everyone was predicting. It has always been interesting to me that I was persecuted more for being right about this than I think I ever have for being wrong about something. I was also right about the rest that I said then--that even though the preparations for Y2K would not be needed for Y2K, but for other things that were coming, learn the lessons, and hang on to that stuff you set aside.

Remember the bird flu? Many think that it has just gone away, but the opposite is true. It is moving relentlessly toward the worldwide pandemic that has been predicted. Governments have been wary of saying too much too soon because of the malaise that tends to come if you get ready for something and then it does not happen for awhile. They are trying to time their warnings right, which is the right thing to do. However, when the warning goes out, there may not be enough time for all to get ready.

It is also true that Christians do have the spiritual authority to stop this plague for every place that they have taken their spiritual authority. However, we only have true spiritual authority to the degree that we are obeying the King and abiding in Him, and not many Christians have been doing too good at that. Secular scientists have said that the coming Avian flu pandemic looks like the Biblical plague in the Book of Revelation where a third of mankind dies. If it is that plague in the Bible, we will not be able to stop it, but we do not have to die or have our children die in it. If God's people will turn from their wicked ways and turn to the Lord, we can stop this plague from coming near our houses, and possibly even protect our heathen neighbors as well, which will be to their spiritual as well as their physical salvation.
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:34 PM
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More troubles are coming, not only to America but to the world, unless we repent. Possibly the most devastating disaster in the history of America could be creeping up on us through some of the most beautiful weather conditions imaginable. The South has enjoyed its most beautiful autumn weather in memory--which is the problem! The glorious sunny days, with near perfect temperatures, are veiling what is potentially the worst disaster to ever hit our nation--a whole region of the country is fast running out of water. Without rain, major cities and a multitude of small towns will soon have to be abandoned, displacing millions of people. It seems that the warning of I Thessalonians 5:3 is especially appropriate for this:

"If I shut up the Heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

The drought in the South is similar to other potentially devastating problems that are all creeping up on us in conditions that seem as remote as they could be from a disaster. The weather is perfect; the sun is out, but the land is dying of thirst! The other conditions are creeping up likewise, unobserved except by a few. There seems to be a veritable "perfect storm," where a number of conditions all come together at the same time to produce the most devastating storm of all--each one multiplying the effects of the others.

Who could have seen such a creeping disaster as this drought in the South when the weather was so beautiful and peaceful? It is very difficult in these conditions to even think of hardship, much less such a widespread disaster as this drought could become. At this writing, some towns have their water turned on for just three hours a day. Note that I said water is turned on three hours a day, not off. This is the last resort to no water being available from public sources, and probable evacuation of everyone who does not have their own source of water, such as a well. However, in many cases, those who do have wells have already had to evacuate because their wells have run dry.

The interesting way that this drought crept up on the South was because of the recent devastating hurricanes, and the predictions of increasingly violent ones to come because of global warming. Naturally Christians, especially along the coast, prayed for protection from any more of those super storms, and the Lord seems to have answered those prayers. However, even though storms can be devastating, hurricanes and tropical storms are a main source for replenishing the water tables and reservoirs in the South. Because the storms did not come, we may have been rejoicing, but few understood that this posed a potentially worse disaster--the lack of fresh water for much of the South.

Things are becoming very difficult in the South in regard to fresh water. This is for our preparation, and we do need to prepare for it. Consider Revelation 8:10-11 concerning water:

"And the third angel sounded, and a great star fell from Heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood; and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter."

So is the drought in the South the result of the South turning from God? Yes, but it is also evidence that He loves the South enough to discipline us. A drought in the Southwest is natural since it is mostly desert, but a drought in the Southeast is unnatural. The drought is a wake-up call.
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:36 PM
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I personally believe this comes in the form of terrorist attacks on our water supplies. Since this is a Biblical prophecy, is there any way that we can be protected from this? Yes. Whole regions, and maybe even whole nations, can be protected. Even though we may have a high regard for our FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies, they will not be able to stop these attacks alone. Turning to the Lord can break the drought, and it can stop many other potential disasters. He will be gracious and help those who seek Him and obey Him.

What Is Wormwood?

The attack on the water supplies in Revelation 8 is called "Wormwood" for a reason. In Amos 6:12 it says, "you have turned justice into poison, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood." The greatest injustice of all was the Cross. The One who was perfect in all of His ways, who did nothing but good, was tortured and crucified by the very ones He had made. This was the ultimate rejection of God by mankind. The ultimate injustice is for those who are made to reject their Maker. Turning from God in any manner is the ultimate injustice and will ultimately become wormwood for those who do it. The "great time of trouble" that we are told the end of this age will be is simply the result of mankind rejecting the Creator.

Likewise, righteousness, or the right way, is to turn to God. It is seeking to do His will instead of our own. Most of the injustices that men seek to address are injustices between men, but we will never have true justice if it is not built upon the ultimate justice of men giving to God what is due Him.

Because God is love, and He truly loves all men and desires for them to be saved, it does hurt Him when even one turns from Him. It grieves Him deeply when a whole nation turns from Him, especially one that has been so devoted to Him, like the United States. Even so, He is not smiting us out of His hurt and rejection, but to turn us back so that we will not have to reap the fruit of our own sin. The fruit of our rebellion against God is to have the creation rebel against us, as is indicated in Romans 8:19-21
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:40 PM
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* * * * QUESTIONS * * * *

I want to know what the Pro TBN crowd Thinks

I want to know what those who work the gifts think of this

I want to know everyone's opinion that will give it
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Old 12-13-2007, 02:49 PM
Weary Pilgrim Weary Pilgrim is offline
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Who holds these so called Prophets accountable Thad?
They have been Prphe-lying for years - who calls them on it when they miss?
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Thad View Post

I personally believe this comes in the form of terrorist attacks on our water supplies. Since this is a Biblical prophecy, is there any way that we can be protected from this? Yes. Whole regions, and maybe even whole nations, can be protected. Even though we may have a high regard for our FBI, CIA, and other intelligence agencies, they will not be able to stop these attacks alone. Turning to the Lord can break the drought, and it can stop many other potential disasters. He will be gracious and help those who seek Him and obey Him.

What Is Wormwood?

The attack on the water supplies in Revelation 8 is called "Wormwood" for a reason. In Amos 6:12 it says, "you have turned justice into poison, and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood." The greatest injustice of all was the Cross. The One who was perfect in all of His ways, who did nothing but good, was tortured and crucified by the very ones He had made. This was the ultimate rejection of God by mankind. The ultimate injustice is for those who are made to reject their Maker. Turning from God in any manner is the ultimate injustice and will ultimately become wormwood for those who do it. The "great time of trouble" that we are told the end of this age will be is simply the result of mankind rejecting the Creator.

Likewise, righteousness, or the right way, is to turn to God. It is seeking to do His will instead of our own. Most of the injustices that men seek to address are injustices between men, but we will never have true justice if it is not built upon the ultimate justice of men giving to God what is due Him.

Because God is love, and He truly loves all men and desires for them to be saved, it does hurt Him when even one turns from Him. It grieves Him deeply when a whole nation turns from Him, especially one that has been so devoted to Him, like the United States. Even so, He is not smiting us out of His hurt and rejection, but to turn us back so that we will not have to reap the fruit of our own sin. The fruit of our rebellion against God is to have the creation rebel against us, as is indicated in Romans 8:19-21
Did Rick Joyner say this too?
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