I was in a car accident back in February of 2007.
I rear ended another car at about 10 mph, if that.
There was minimal damage to her car.
She went away in an ambulance and she would not settle with my car insurance company.
Now she is suing me for 30k-- I don't even have 1k anymore!
Does anyone have any advice-- really, I can't even afford a lawyer right now.
I'm not worried as much as I am irritated. However, there is a little bit of concern about what EXACTLY I should do.
Hasn't anyone ever sang songs in the past that mentioned Jesus Christ being a lawyer in the court room?
I think I'm about to live it! That part is kind of exciting!!!!
I feel that my excitement is a little out of place for the situation, but what else am I supposed to do?
I don't have cash for a lawyer, 30k maybe I'll just give her my "behind on mortgage" house and be done with the ordeal. (not!)