Hello all!
The church I belong to has a GREAT children's minstry. We are called H.I.S. (hands in service) Children's Ministry. We do puppets mostly, but also include skits (almost all written in house by our wonderful "skit women" in the church) for either the puppets or people, games, memory verses and elaborate set ups all to "themes". (ie... Noah's Ark, The Fruits of the Spirt, The Armor of God ect.)
Okay, for my question: We wanted to put all of the themes together in a book (including the whole program, game, verses, skits, song ideas ect) and selling it (minus copywrited stuff, if any, obviously). Would the need be there for any of your churches? With so many great ideas, we want to share.....
Well, thanks for your time!
~Sis Nichole