Before I begin, a resounding thank you to Renda, Felicity, and deacon blues, for you have each incited this thinking today. And then when I picked up an old copy of the PH and saw an article with this title, I knew I had to add my bit re
The very word can send shivers through someone...
"Drop the 'tude, dude!!"
"Oh, what a rotten attitude they have!!"
The truth is that attitudes are like noses...we all have them.
Some are more pronounced than others...some less.
Some are nicer than others...some less.
Some are more offensive...some less.
It's all a matter of opinion and attitude re the bearer...if we like them, we can often tolerate the nose, regardless of how much it sticks out or in our business.
The fact is that our attitude truly does determine our altitude, and never so much than in the realm of the Spirit.
If my attitude is one of constant distrust, be it people in my real world or people here, is God pleased?!
Does He want me looking at folks with crossed eyes and imagining their 'true' intent?!
If my attitude is that I'm always and forever right and any differing view is heresy, is God pleased?!
While there are some real and true absolutes when it comes to doctrine, if my attitude is that everyone who doesn't think or look like me is hell-bound, is God pleased?!
Does He care if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed and do everything but cuss folks out?!
Is God pleased?!
If my attitude is one of tearing you down to make me look better, is God pleased?!
If my attitude is sweetness and light to you, but mean and lowdown to my family members, is God pleased?!
Do our co-workers see Christ in our attitudes toward higher management and work relations, or do they see arrogance and a 'who cares' response to it all?!
The reality is that we are not in a glorified state and will fall short to some degree as long as we are in humanity...we will not be perfect in every situation 24/7. But our desire should be to walk in godliness of attitude, and readily repent and set things straight when we are not.
When we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and rewarded according to the deeds done in this body, will God be pleased that our attitudes and works reflected His abiding Spirit, or will they be burned in the fire of heavenly testing?!
All of the posting today and all that I have just written has given me great pause...does God really care about my attitude?!
I'm afraid the answer is "Yes, He does!!"