Originally Posted by PraiseHymn
You and I both know you've seen far worse comments than that which you would consider something that could quickly get a stern warning or even banishment. I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. I saw nothing in this post but mere adjectives describing individual posters who have clearly given up hope for reconciliation of individuals that have started gay churches and apparently keep apostolic doctrines all at the same time.
Remember, as long as there is LIFE there is HOPE and of course we know that LIFE is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
People probably would have condemned Paul, who was one of the greatest Apostles straight to hell prior to his conversion . . . he persecuted Christians to the point it caused physical death to Christians, yet HE was able to turn from his wicked ways....and look....God used him to write the majority of the New Testament.
I say that to say that the poster probably feels there is hope for those who have gone into these erroneous doctrines....
(Yes, I've seen more offensive posts than the one in question, which
didnt get punished, but that's beside the point, and another story for another day. )
However, I've known of people being warned, and banned [temporarily] for infractions that to me were not nearly as offensive as IsolatedSaint's comment.
But let's just look at the comment itself...
Maybe you don't find it offensive for someone to refer to HolyGhost filled, Jesus-name baptized children of God as people who are
"manifesting religious demons", but I think more than a few of us find it to be
a highly obnoxious comment, to put it mildly.
And if he's not put in check for that comment, and he's left with the impression that people are not too bothered by it, then that just sets a precedent where we may well end up seeing even worse stuff in the future coming from him, or other posters (
especially new posters who are still "feeling things out" around here) --- which leads into my next point...
Frankly, I feel like I've watched the level of discourse around here take a downward turn the past few months, and although I dont like to call out the Admins in public, I have wondered at times why some of those comments were allowed to slide with no apparent consequences. (In fairness, of course, Admins are not going to see
everything that's posted.) I have good reason to believe that the downward turn in civility (and
the rise of the crackpot element on the forum) has contributed to some of our good members not bothering to post much any more, or not at all. Since this is a Christian forum, I think it behooves us to try to rein in some of the incivility that seems to be be growing more and more frequent around here.
Originally Posted by PraiseHymn
Now, the above comment will be warranted IF and ONLY IF the poster consistently shows a repeated pattern of violating the rules and regulations concerning this forum.
That's where you and I differ... big time.
It is precisely because he's a fairly new poster, that I felt it was important for someone to bring to his attention that insulting fellow posters is unacceptable behavior.
Why should we wait till he shows "a repeated pattern" of insulting members before we address the situation?