Christian Garrett Starting A Gay church at Stonewall 654017
From his blog....
Dear Friends,
Richest greetings and kindest love from snowy New York. It has been a day of rain and sleet and is beautiful, but cold!
I am writing to ask you to pray about helping us in the launch of a very historic Church plant. On January the 6th at 2pm, we will hold our first service of "Church at Stonewall." We will be meeting in the Stonewall Inn which was the site of the 1969 Stonewall riots. The events of that year are credited by many as being the beginning of the modern gay rights movement.
The Church will be an all inclusive Church that reaches beyond religion into the message of God's eternal and unconditional love. There will be a strong emphasis on healing many in the GLBT community who have been rejected and hurt by right wing religion. We will be presenting the amazing message of God's universal love and grace. God is love and love is God and is within us all.
We need to raise around $2,000 more dollars by the first of January to help with the entire work that goes into starting a Church. I want you to pray about giving to help this new work which will take the good news of God's love and grace into the very heart of New York City.
If you are interested in helping us out...send us a message here at myspace and we will forward you additional information on where to send your gifts.
Thanks so much for your love and support,