Re: Aquila's confirmed body count
Originally Posted by JoeBandy
Aquila, you are the one that brought it up!! Now you are whining. First of all no one is harassing you for being a veteran or because you are a veteran. You are being harassed because you talk in circles. You are being questioned because you have posted links and pass them off as your own without any citation. Its your integrity that's being harassed...….oh just never mind Aquila, I have agreed with a lot of your post but after doing a lot of reading here on AFF you are a chameleon and until you realize that.... just never mind!!!
Amen, so to Chris, and all those who look to defend him. The main point is that originally, Chris brought up the “confirmed kills”
He is the one who makes himself the lighting rod. Esaias just called Aquila on his junk. He stated “I killed people therefore I have a right to have a beard.” Thank you Joe for seeing the bigger picture. Esaias was in his rights for asking the poster to put up or shut up.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence