How many have disregarded a dream or vision because they thought it was merely their imagination? How many have operated in the realm of imagination thinking it was a dream or vision? How does one tell the difference?
Last night, I dreamed The Who was playing a Creedence Clearwater Revival song in my kitchen.
I "disregarded" it.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Could the HS work through tea leaves? Chicken entrails? Dice?
I doubt it. However, I'd leave nothing beyond the Holy Spirit's power.
Remember, God did speak through Urim and Thurim. Not to mention the casting of lots. Essentially, those were God ordained methods of divination for a time.
Dreams - Visions that come to one while asleep. Often highly symbolic.
Inner Vision - A deep inner impressions, often accompanied with snap shot images that pass through the mind.
Open Heavens Vision - A vision or snap shot that appears to be appearing right in front of the visionary.
Spiritual Vision In Translation - A vision received while one's spirit is translated in spirit to another time, place, or spiritual plane.
Visions can reveal details about God, Heaven, the enemy, people, nations, communities, places, etc. The details can be from the past, the present, or the future.
Visions often employ one or all of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, feeling, smell).
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
I did not post in jest. I have walked in that. Most of my family (the females) carry that mess.
It's sad when you see a person showing interest in or gravitating towards something you KNOW from personal experience is nothing but bad news... and they think your warnings are either due to 'ignorance' or 'fear' ... Very few people these days are serious about heeding the advice of people who speak from experience, especially in matters like this.
The seducing spirits aren't called 'seducing' for no reason...
It's sad when you see a person showing interest in or gravitating towards something you KNOW from personal experience is nothing but bad news... and they think your warnings are either due to 'ignorance' or 'fear' ... Very few people these days are serious about heeding the advice of people who speak from experience, especially in matters like this.
The seducing spirits aren't called 'seducing' for no reason...
Spoke to a woman on the forum today who states that her house has an "evil presence" that is troubling her and her husband. Many were suggesting burning various herbs, meditating on white light, etc. I shared some dimensions to spiritual warfare from a uniquely Christian perspective. Interestingly, I got a positive response. A wayward Catholic chimed in about how he thought I was right with calling upon the name of Jesus and rebuking the spirit. I'm sure she didn't expect this on a psychic's forum. lol
It's almost like being a missionary among those who are seeking spiritual answers and don't know exactly where to look. Remember, many of these people were burned by religion or were heavily judged over a moral struggle in their personal lives or spiritual questions. God loves them as much as any other soul. If someone wasn't willing to get in close and get their hands dirty, many trapped in this stuff wouldn't have found deliverance. I don't know why I felt led there. Maybe we'll see the fruit of it in the coming days.
Many have a desperate hunger for the supernatural in their lives. However, their experience with religion has been dry and ritualistic. I'm slowly and conversationally introducing the supernatural realities of Spirit filled Christianity to them. So far, we've talked about prayer, the name, oil, prayer cloths, and angelic assistance in spiritual warfare. I've also talked about the 9 spiritual gifts with them with very positive discussion and interest. Some of them haven't actually heard the more supernatural aspects of Christianity from a non-fundamentalist-crazed perspective. It's proving to be interesting.
This is like the question regarding the dead that I've had. While I don't believe in attempting to contact the dead... but what do you do when it seems as though they are attempting to contact you?
For example, there have been times when could swear that I can feel, smell, and hear my mother. I've even heard her praying for me in tongues. Although she's been asleep in the Lord now for over 5 years. Sometimes I feel her encourage me, sometimes I feel her warn me. Is that a sin?
What about learning how to sense and even interact with angels? Angels are mentioned at least 108 times in the OT and 165 times in the NT. Is it a sin to study or experience angelic realities?
I'd say that we are expressly proscribed from actively engaging in these, while Scripture acknowledges that they are possible. But your later examples mirror Scripture, which tells us that dreams are pertinent.
While I am surprised that this area would interest you, despite the admonitions you surely are aware of? I would brace you to test the spirits, and see if they agree @ Christ, and be wary. Even contact from the dead should be viewed with quite a bit of, trepidation, I'd say. People who talk with the dead historically end up dead themselves?
But this needn't mean that a warm feeling recalling a departed relative is bad.
Could the HS work through tea leaves? Chicken entrails? Dice?
The question is, what are you trying to do with the offal? Anything to do with the future? Dice is different, of course; and it's easy to see how.
As close as I've got to where A is going is this guy,, who would agree, and goes on at some length, into numbers (although this guy is strictly Scriptural) and their meanings (including an exhaustive listing of every # defined by Scripture; some interesting "holes" higher up), colors, hands (as in palm reading, but again with some Scriptural authority-and no fortelling), etc.
I'd say that we are expressly proscribed from actively engaging in these, while Scripture acknowledges that they are possible. But your later examples mirror Scripture, which tells us that dreams are pertinent.
While I am surprised that this area would interest you, despite the admonitions you surely are aware of? I would brace you to test the spirits, and see if they agree @ Christ, and be wary. Even contact from the dead should be viewed with quite a bit of, trepidation, I'd say. People who talk with the dead historically end up dead themselves?
But this needn't mean that a warm feeling recalling a departed relative is bad.
When my first pastor had a massive heart attack he mentioned being in the hospital and feeling angels and the spirits of those loved ones who had gone on before him. He said that they were praying for him.