Originally Posted by unitedpraise10
The Lord will not put on us anymore than what we can handle...including pastors and leaders. We have to be open to it....We need to be open to it.
Let me ask you Sis. Falla, if the Lord send amazing miraculous revival to your church....would you accept it? Would you stay if 1,000 people we're added to your church in 6 months time? Not that this matters, because it shouldn't, I'm just curious.... :-)
I personally would not want to have 1,000 people added to our church
in 6 months time. Just as I would not want to see one of my daughters
have sextuplets! Oh, yes, there would be a lot of attention at first. But
when the new wore off of this un-natural event, the poor mother would
be overwhelmed. Totally un-natural! God never meant for one mother and
father to have a "litter". Did anyone in the Bible ever have more than twins.
God set things in order at the beginning. Men changed God's ways. I suppose
they didn't know what HE was doing. Couples pay big money to have a child
and the drugs given sometimes causes unnatural births. Multiple births. God
didn't plan multiple births. That's man's doing! The couple in our area that had
five babies at one time created a lot of excitement for a while. In a few years
the news was that the couple were divorcing. It was just too much to handle.
No, God didn't put multiple births on that couple. Fertility drugs did!
I can tell you, as the eldest daughter in a family of eleven children, my dear
mother said she never desired to have twins, etc. She was content to have
one baby at a time over several years. As the older children grew and became
helpful, it made the burden easier on the mother and father. That worked for
our family and it also worked for the church Dad founded and pastored for over
30 yrs. Dad and Mom did their part. God raised up someone else to continue
the work the Father had planted. And it continues to grow as God gives the
UnitedPraise, Jesus said if his Father (Spirit, God) didn't plant it, it would be
rooted up. Plants with no roots, won't last too long! If you don't have roots
(can't see those deep roots, but be assured they are there, mostly under the
ground, when the storms come, there is a real possibility the "plant" will be
uprooted. Roots don't come overnight or even in 6 months!!! If you see a
church plant, that has remained for many years, you can be assured there
are some deep roots underneath. Quite possibly that church (plant) didn't be-
gin with the current pastor. Perhaps he is only building on the "roots" or
foundation of those who preceded him.
And those tall, tall skyscrapers, if you could see under the building, there is
a deep foundation, balancing what you see above the ground. Else when a
storm comes, it would blow over. Or the tree without roots would become
uprooted when the storms of life come!