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Old 06-03-2009, 11:01 AM
n david n david is offline
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American the largest Muslim Nation?

I understand politicians tend to play to the home crowds in speeches, etc - and BHO is certainly no exception or change from the status quo.

In a recent interview, BHO pandered to Muslims and expressed his belief that America ... is the largest MUSLIM nation in the world. A fact that is completely wrong, but nonetheless is startling coming from the same politician who was scared to touch the Muslim issue during the campaign.

It's an outrage to see an American President stoop to bow to a Saudi King; it's more an outrage that the American President continually makes a point to apologize for America's actions and policies that have kept us safe and secure; and this recent BHO Muslim coming out party only adds more fuel to the fire.

Hopefully by the end of his first term, we still have free elections ... if so, BHO should be looking for a new job, as I'm sure the American people will tire of his policies.
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Old 06-04-2009, 05:18 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

I'm not surprised.
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:14 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

Originally Posted by iceniez View Post
I'm not surprised.
I'm afraid it's only going to get worse. Where are all his AFF supporters?
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Old 06-04-2009, 06:58 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

Probably still thinking he is not a Muslim,or at the very least very ecumenical.[ I mean extreamly]
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Old 06-04-2009, 09:54 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

CAIRO (AP) — Quoting from the Quran for emphasis, President Barack Obama called for a "new beginning between the United States and Muslims" Thursday
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Old 06-04-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

Editorial Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Today's Political Cartoon
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Old 06-04-2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I understand politicians tend to play to the home crowds in speeches, etc - and BHO is certainly no exception or change from the status quo.

In a recent interview, BHO pandered to Muslims and expressed his belief that America ... is the largest MUSLIM nation in the world. A fact that is completely wrong, but nonetheless is startling coming from the same politician who was scared to touch the Muslim issue during the campaign.

1) It's an outrage to see an American President stoop to bow to a Saudi King; 2) it's more an outrage that the American President continually makes a point to apologize for America's actions and policies that have kept us safe and secure; and 3) this recent BHO Muslim coming out party only adds more fuel to the fire.

Hopefully by the end of his first term, we still have free elections ... if so, BHO should be looking for a new job, as I'm sure the American people will tire of his policies.

1) Most of America is beyond this already-- he was being cordial, showing a little humility. His interaction here does nothing to affect our military or financial might but could have went a long way in fostering a better relationship with whole nations of innocent people previously deeply offended by the perceived arrogance of GWB.

2) He is not the first or the last to criticize those policies. He ran on change, was elected on change by a margin great enough that mandates a fundamental change from the policies of the very recent past.

3) And this statement is so far from the truth, it is beyond ignorant and would border on libel, but being called "Muslim" is not an insult for many millions of people.

However, we know that whenever someone tries to call our President a Muslim, it is never done in a positive or supportive way.

Where are the AFF'ers who support our President?

Here's 1 of them.

When was the last time you prayed for your President?

Many so called Christians have "itching ears" for everything negative and every negative spin for our President.

These so called Christians never gave our President a chance and will never be supportive or even pay a compliment to him because the people and the media they graze on is absolutely corrupt and rife with blind criticism for someone who thinks differently than them.

However, when we had GWB, most of these so called "Christians" were crying that the criticism that our President was receiving was in a sense dishonoring to the Office of the President of the U.S.

Hence why the politicizing of Christianity is not the will of God. Politics breeds hypocrisy. When mixed with religion, the brew is most toxic.
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Old 06-04-2009, 12:48 PM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

When was the last time you prayed for your President?
Today. Prayed God whould hurry him out of office, and that he would be healthy when he and his pack up and leave the white house. BTW, he may be your president, but he ain't mine. I am currently presidentless. I just live here these days. If one of the states secedes and elects a president... he can be my president.

Many so called Christians have "itching ears" for everything negative and every negative spin for our President.
There isn't anything positive to spin

These so called Christians never gave our President a chance and will never be supportive or even pay a compliment to him because the people and the media they graze on is absolutely corrupt and rife with blind criticism for someone who thinks differently than them.
So-called? Why is it people who disagree with us and our political beliefs become "so-called" Christians.

However, when we had GWB, most of these so called "Christians" were crying that the criticism that our President was receiving was in a sense dishonoring to the Office of the President of the U.S.
I didn't, I think GWB made some colossal mistakes, but at least I considered him the president.

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Old 06-04-2009, 03:48 PM
oletime oletime is offline
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

he is outta chances and totally clueless. otherwise he would not bow to the waist at the saudi king and nod his head at the queen !!! then the latest one he is standing in a receivig line, beside the king again of course, and keeps sticking his hand out to shake hands, which evreyone ignores except one person. no one else was extending their hand. it obviously was the king they were their to greet not this bozo. i have seen it all on video and it is pathetic and hilarious to watch people stare at him like are you crazy? if he cared as much about this country as does about the muslims is would be a start . then he says that if we counted only the nuslims in this country we would be one of the biggest in the world !! he is nuts there is 1.5 billion of them 3 million is nothing and virtually everyone has mor of them then us. he needs ti shut up and stop the apology tour i couldnt care less what the rest of the world thinks about us and they care even less about what we think
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Old 06-04-2009, 03:53 PM
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Re: American the largest Muslim Nation?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
When was the last time you prayed for your President?
I pray for our President on a daily basis
I wish he were not our President
I do not agree with much of what he stands for and promotes
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