Steve, you must be ignoring my posts. Repeat after me...... to the "faith alone" advocate mere mental assent is not faith....mere mental assent is not faith.... mere mental assent is not faith. Knowledge + mental assent + TRUST = faith. It is dishonest of you to keep implying I believe faith is nothing but mere mental assent.
Now before we continue with the remission issue, we have to clear up your faulty view of baptism's relation to a clear conscience.
You continually try to say that "baptism clears the conscience" when
1Peter 3:21 says that baptism is "the answer [or response] of a good [clear] conscience". Why do you say baptism clears the conscience when Scripture says baptism is the response of one who already has a clear conscience?
You've avoided this point in several posts now. Please, address this.
Why do you say baptism clears the conscience when Scripture says baptism is the response of one who already has a clear conscience?