IMO there are many cons ("many" being subjective to the total number of cons on AFF to begin with) who have departed altogether or who "lurk" like myself because the environment of this forum has become too condescending to, and mocking of, the conservative voice/opinion.
In theory, a forum provides an equal voice to all who wish to participate. This should allow for every angle of an issue to be stated without impugning the person who presents their point of view. While there are discussions that follow this principle, such threads/posts are limited to more trivial topics. Far too often IMO, when we get into matters of doctrine, and other areas of eternal consequence, the insults often become very personal.
I have read some of the posts on this thread that question the reasoning of ons for "abandoning" those who may be helped by healthy discussion, and revealing the Biblical foundation for the questioned beliefs. However, I have often observed that any attempt to take a view opposing certain posters, is met with snide comments, and innuendoes, and at times downright insults. In other words the topic becomes a demeaning and destructive argument, instead of a balanced presentation of thoughts.
As for me........I have better things to do, than to be insulted by someone who wishes to erode everything I hold dear. Can I have a discussion of the subject matter? Of course! Am I willing to debate issues? As long as the debate is on the issues, and not an attempt to demean one another! Can/do I love those of an opposing view? Most certainly!
Very well said, sir.
So many libs have made it seemed like the cons left because they couldn't handle their beliefs being challenged. Nonsense.
My impression has always been that most left simply because they were tired of the endless assaults and insults against beliefs they valued dearly. In my view, it wasn't the disagreement with their convictions, but rather the mockery of those convictions , that made them fed up and decide to leave.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
Anyone can make a standard and base it on Biblical principle. Does that make it right? No. Especially when those making the standards consider anyone doing differently to be hell bound.
I can come up with a bunch of 'Biblical standards' that most of you would laugh about for eternity. In addition, most of you WOULD NOT obey them! Why? Cause you'd consider them silly, irrelevant, and not a heaven or hell issue. where have I heard that excuse before......
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
very well said, sir.
So many libs have made it seemed like the cons left because they couldn't handle their beliefs being challenged. Nonsense.
My impression has always been that most left simply because they were tired of the endless assaults and insults against beliefs they valued dearly. in my view, it wasn't the disagreement with their convictions, but rather the mockery of those convictions , that made them fed up and decide to leave.
Many people don't know a thing about Ministry or it's perspective, but they feel just as justified to criticize it?
That is what he was calling them.
Perhaps another term would be "Ignorant?"
BTW I have been on the Ignorant/Dingbat bandwagon as well.
Many get a wrong perspective from some in the Ministry that would be lords over Gods heritage, Cowboys instead of Sheep herders. Some might have missed their calling and should be sheep dogs instread of shepherds.
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln