Originally Posted by Sam
The Republicans like to chant, "pay as you go" and "no new expenditures without offsetting income or savings" but they apply it selectively. They do not apply it to extending the Bush tax cuts nor to extending unemployment.
I know there are lots of things wrong with unemployment and welfare and some are just playing the system. We have Welfare Departments which are self-perpetuating and who have created generations of Welfare dependent people. But, I can't help but feel that we have an obligation to help the poor and unemployed. I don't have the answers to that. I have heard somewhere that if each church in America would take care of one homeless family we could cover everyone's needs. I don't know how accurate that is.
Do you feel it's the government's responsibility or the individual?
We as Christians should do everything within our power, starting with framily first, to help. That's a given within the Word of God.
Jesus said we would always have the poor with us, so we're likely to never completely solve the issue.
But, the stewardship issue should and can be resolved.